
In 2020, we delivered Phase 1 of Places for People, which created a system of one-way and narrowed streets (using large planters in the road) on:

  • Church Street
  • Graham Street
  • Anglesey Street
  • Hunters Road
  • Finch Road, and
  • Archibald Road.

This made cut-throughs by car more difficult between Nursery Road, Lozells Road, and Heathfield Road.

In November 2021, we consulted on the next phase of Places for People in Lozells, which expanded on the Phase 1 measures.

After the 2021 consultation, the comments received were reviewed and used to inform the Phase 2 detailed design for both sides of Lozells Road.

In September 2023 we delivered phase 2 of Places for People in Lozells under an experimental traffic regulation order (ETRO). The project expanded on the phase 1 measures, including introduction of additional one-way streets with contra-flow cycling and a false one-way.

Post implementation, residents provided feedback on the measures. The feedback received was considered and used to inform the modifications to the Phase 2 measures.

The modified designs are now complete, and the construction of the amendments to phase 2 will begin on 11 March 2024. The works are anticipated to last around 3 weeks.

View the Lozells Places for People updated masterplan

View detailed drawings of the proposed measures

Phase 2 measures will be introduced under an Experimental Traffic Regulation Order (ETRO), the legal document needed to make changes on roads. The amendments to the phase 2 measures will be introduced under the existing TRO.

View the ETRO documents

Page last updated: 22 April 2024