Young active travel

Ferrying children around can be a real challenge for parents and carers. Taking the car can sometimes feel like the most convenient option.

However, encouraging children to walk, cycle or use public transport has many benefits for health, wellbeing and the environment.

There are a number of ways that children and young people can get around more actively; walking and cycling is just the start. Even a bus journey that includes a walk to and from the bus stop is beneficial.

Incorporating active travel into young people’s lives can be a relatively easy way to fit activity into their day to help them (and their parents or carers) stay fit. Not every journey has to be made using active travel, but often a good place to start is the school run: even walking once or twice a week can make a difference. Research has shown that active travel to school can even improve concentration and performance in class.

On these pages you will find links to resources and information which can help encourage children to use more active forms of transport.