Smoke-free homes

  • Everyone has the right to live in a safe and secure home
  • The right home environment is crucial to promoting positive health and wellbeing including the right to live in a healthy environment, a place where children can grow, learn and play
  • An immediate danger from smoking in the home is the risk of a fire. This is commonly a result of careless disposal or handling of smoking materials
  • Smoking materials account for around 7% of accidental fires in the home every year and are the fourth most common reason for a fire in a home after cooking appliances and other electrical appliances and faults. This means that every year the fire and rescue service attend approximately 2,000 smoking related fires in the home
  • Smoking accounts for the single largest cause of fatalities from house fires of which 36% leads to deaths. This is because smokers are often close to the source of the fire when it starts, for example if they are smoking in bed
  • Smoking related fires are also more common in homes where the smoker is immobile and less able to move away from the source of the fire
  • Smoke drifting into neighbours’ properties can also be a nuisance, causing distress and anxiety for people.

Contact the for advice and keep your family and home safe from fire.

Page last updated: 26 October 2023