Plan a sustainable event

Think about sustainability from the start to make it a key part of your event. Here are some suggestions to help you.


  • Encourage people to walk, cycle, or use public transport to get to the venue. This helps reduce emissions. Choose a venue that’s easy to reach by these methods.
  • Check for nearby WM bike and scooter stations. If there isn’t a station close by, you can request one near your venue on the website.


  • Have low-flow water fixings or greywater systems. Low-flow fixings use less water. Greywater systems recycle rainwater.
  • Use composting toilets instead of chemical ones. They are better for the environment and the waste can be used as fertilizer.

Energy and carbon emissions

  • Try to choose venues that have LED lighting and hire LEDs. They reduce energy use and emissions, and are just as effective as halogen lights.
  • Think about lighting levels. Does every space need to be brightly lit?
  • Use renewable energy, such as solar. It helps reduce emissions and can be bought from energy companies.
  • Opt for temporary solar generators instead of petrol or diesel. They’re more eco-friendly.
  • Measure the event's carbon emissions, including all suppliers. This helps identify the biggest emission sources and allows you to prioritise your efforts.
  • Consider carbon offsets. If you can’t reduce all emissions, pay into a local offset scheme. You can also donate to green charities or ask attendees to commit to carbon reduction actions.

Waste and recycling

  • Make sure recycling stations are easily accessible. This encourages recycling and reduces general waste.
  • Use digital tickets and advertising. This reduces paper waste.
  • Install water bottle refill stations. This encourages reusable bottles and reduces single-use plastics. Severn Trent might be able to assist with this.
  • Use reusable crockery and cups. This reduces plastic waste and aligns with BCC policy and .


  • Promote sustainability to attendees. Inspire them to change their behaviour and reduce their carbon footprints.


  • Serve locally produced and sourced food. This reduces emissions from food transportation. Choosing seasonal food also cuts down on food miles.
  • Offer vegan and vegetarian food options. Plant-based meals have lower emissions. Use sites like to calculate food emissions.
  • Consider a sustainable catering certification. Use it in promotional materials, such as .

We hope you found these suggestions useful.

If you have any questions or need more help, email our Route to Net Zero Carbon team.

Page last updated: 9 September 2024