Noticeboard 15 December 2022

Welcome to the final School Noticeboard of 2022 which contains an end of term message from Sue Harrison, information on water safety, the Household Support Fund and much more. Wishing you a peaceful festive season!

Included in this update:

End of term message from Sue Harrison, Director Children and Families

Dear colleagues

As 2022 draws to a close, and having being in post for over a year now, I would like to take this seasonal opportunity to extend my thanks to everyone working in Â鶹ÊÓƵ schools and settings, for their efforts and hard work over the past 12 months. It has certainly been a busy and eventful year for us all. And as we brave the snow and ice, it’s difficult to believe that just a few months ago we were bathing in the sunshine and global limelight, as the city put on the best show in its history - the Commonwealth Games. How the extremes hit home, from the elation and party atmosphere, to one where today many children and families in the city are struggling with paying bills, keeping warm and eating well.

In response to this, the council is providing additional resources through Warm Welcome Spaces and signposting to resources via our Cost of living support | Â鶹ÊÓƵ hub. I am also delighted that more than 300 schools are receiving additional funding to support our most vulnerable children and families. The funding, which comes from the Household Support Fund, enables schools to support their families during the Christmas holidays and beyond, with practical help such as providing food and heating vouchers. This is a fantastic effort from everyone involved and it will make a real and tangible difference to the winter experienced by some of our most vulnerable families. There will also be activities running during the break through the ‘Holiday Activities and Food Programme’,

In addition to dealing with the consequences of the cost of living crisis, I’m aware that colleagues in schools and early years settings are having to heighten their awareness of StrepA. In response to this our education team have contacted local nurseries and schools, to inform them of the recent national increase in notifications of scarlet fever, which are above seasonal expected levels. In our communications, we have advised schools and nurseries of the signs, symptoms, and the actions to be taken if they become aware of an outbreak at their school or nursery. If an outbreak is suspected - contact the Health Protection Team on 0344 225 3560 for advice. The team can also provide a letter and Frequently Asked Questions to cascade to staff and parents if appropriate.

We can see from the circumstances we find ourselves in, that we all have an important part to play in keeping our children and young people safe, achieving, included, confident and healthy. This is why I want to extend my thanks and appreciation of your hard work, commitment and dedication, on behalf of all of those that you help every day. This is truly a team effort and as we work together as one system, I am confident that we will create the conditions where all children and young people in Â鶹ÊÓƵ thrive.

Throughout the year, I have been fortunate to visit both schools and settings, visits that have filled me with admiration of the work that is done every day, to provide the very best opportunities for young people to grow and aspire. It really is impressive to see what’s being done, to hear and importantly, listen to the young voices of those who need our help most. We are indeed in challenging times however, I know only too well that you work tirelessly in the best interests of our children and young people. My engagement with the Head Teacher reference group reinforces this, by its unequivocal commitment to provide early help where it’s needed and to get it right first time.

Now as we approach the Christmas holidays, I wanted to say a heartfelt personal thank you to everyone working in schools and settings for all the work you undertake and the dedication you have shown. However, at this time, I also know that everyone has been deeply saddened by the recent terrible events, leading to the untimely deaths of the four young boys in Solihull. We can only imagine the grief that those families are having to cope with. Our thoughts and condolences are with the families, friends and are extended to all those deeply affected by this heart-breaking accident, including those in our public services who tried to save their lives.

I hope you are all able to have a well-deserved break over the next couple of weeks, but I’m also aware that many settings will be open over the Christmas period, particularly those supporting our youngest children and their families. Again, my personal thanks to all the staff who will be adding that little extra sparkle to the lives of those youngsters, who I’m sure will be soaking up all the Christmas time activities. And just to add that council teams will be available throughout the break so please do feel that you can reach out to us if needed.

Thank you again for everything you do, together, we do make a difference.

Kind regards, Sue and the team.

Sue Harrison
Director, Children & Families
Children & Families Directorate

Winter Water Safety – Important Message

Following the tragic incident at Babbs Mill Lake, Solihull, schools are encouraged to read and share the important information issued by West Midland Fire Service: 

The Royal Life Saving Society UK has also produced some helpful guidance on keeping children and families safe around water when the weather turns chilly and new dangers appear.  Ideal for younger children, their FREE Winter Safety Activity Booklet and Colouring In Sheet, encourages them to talk about winter water safety 

Household Support Fund

Earlier this week the council's Cabinet approved setting out plans for distribution of Â鶹ÊÓƵ's latest allocation under the government's Household Support Fund. This included an immediate distribution of money to over 300 schools whose school populations are most deprived under the Income Deprivation Affecting Children Index (IDACI). We have communicated to these schools this week and have begun to transfer money for them to use to support children and families. More information about support for families has been posted on the council's website at this link

Thank you for all that you are doing to support children, young people and their families at this challenging time. If there are any queries, please contact . 

Education Infrastructure - Christmas Bulletin (Issue Dec 2022)

This term’s Education Infrastructure bulletin is 

The bulletin covers the following topics:

  • Landlord approval
  • Duty holder training
  • Asbestos management plan training
  • Additional Secondary places
  • Falling Pupil funding

Please contact Education Infrastructure (edsi.enquiries@birmingham.gov.uk) for school place planning, capital projects and asset management queries.

The Auditor Autumn Term 2022 - Issue 63

The Auditor Autumn Term 2022 Issue 63 is now available on the BCC website and can be accessed by following this link: The Auditor Autumn 22 - Issue 63

West Midlands Violence Reduction Partnership – Training Dates for Professionals

Introduction to Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) Part One & Part Two

This training provides an understanding of the potential impacts of adverse childhood experiences and trauma across the life course. Looking into how to recognise the signs of trauma behaviour whilst enabling an understanding of what trauma informed and responsive practice means whilst providing insight of how an organisation can begin the journey towards a trauma informed organisational culture.

To book your place simply click on the appropriate link below:

Trauma Informed Practice (TIP) Part One and Two

This course aims to reinforce the strengths and relationship-based practice many professionals will already engage in. The course contains a recap for those who have already completed the Introduction to ACEs and Trauma Informed Practice Training. It then goes into greater detail and depth on relevant psychological theory and trauma informed practice at an organisational level.

For any queries or further information regarding these sessions please contact: WMTIPtraining@barnardos.org.uk

Â鶹ÊÓƵ Community Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust: Referrals for Autism 

As part of our ongoing work to improve Autism diagnostic services within Â鶹ÊÓƵ Community Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust, we are excited to announce the launch of our new Neurodevelopmental Pathway (NDP) website from 1st December 22

From 9th January 2023 all referrals for Autism assessments will need to be made online using a new electronic referral form, the link to this will be available on our website from this date.

From 9th January 2023 referrals must not be sent to Community Paediatrics. Any referrals sent via this route will no longer be accepted and will be returned to you.

The new electronic referral form has been through rigorous testing by BCHC and stakeholder groups including GP’s. After submission of the referral you will receive an automated acknowledgement. The referral form will then be triaged by our NDP clinical team and if accepted families and education settings will be issued with questionnaires for completion.

All questionnaires from education and families must be returned within 3 weeks in order for any further assessments to be considered. Failure to return the forms may result in automatic discharge from our service.

The new website and referral form coincides with the launch of our Neurodevelopmental Pathway. This service provides Autism Diagnostic Assessments for children aged from 2.5 years up to their 16th Birthday, who are registered with a Â鶹ÊÓƵ GP.

We hope that you will support this exciting change to our patient pathway which will enhance and streamline the services we provide to our children, young people and their families.

If you would like to share feedback or suggestions, please contact CBS: 0121 683 2320 - Option 4General queries: bchc.ndpcomms@nhs.net

The PIPA Trial – Mental Health and Parenting Resource for Families

The PIPA Trial is exploring the effectiveness of an online resource for parents/carers to help prevent depression and anxiety in young people. The trial is coordinated by the University of Warwick (UoW)

The University of Warwick is working with families of young people aged 11-15 years from across the UK and are collaborating with secondary schools to promote the trial and engage with families. Involvement for schools is very easy and minimal – they will work with a key contact in your school (mental health/safeguarding lead or similar) to sign a letter agreement and send out invitations to families (they will provide all necessary documents).

The PIPA Trial is free of cost to families and schools and is conducted completely online. Parents/carers and young people who are eligible to take part will be asked to complete some questionnaires and will receive access to some online parenting resources.

This is a great opportunity for schools to get involved in the drive to improve youth mental health and support students and families.

If your school is interested in getting involved or would like more information, please contact the trial team:


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