Noticeboard - 28 September 2023

This week's Noticeboard includes updates regarding school attendance as well as information about the school census, EYSFF returns and more!

Read more about Noticeboard - 28 September 2023

Noticeboard - 21 September 2023

This week's Noticeboard includes an Oracle system update, information regarding reception and Y2-3 admissions for 2024, the headteacher induction programme, the upcoming HR schools conference and more.

Read more about Noticeboard - 21 September 2023

Noticeboard - 14 September 2023

Welcome to this week's noticeboard which contains a message from Sue Harrison, Strategic Director of Children and Families, an update on the UNICEF Rights Respecting Schools Celebration 2023 and a selection of newsworthy information.

Read more about Noticeboard - 14 September 2023

Noticeboard - 7 September 2023

Welcome back, we hope you've enjoyed a good summer break. This weeks noticeboard contains important updates on Oracle and RAAC, information on the forthcoming BCC/BEP Headteacher Briefings, September 2024 Admissions and more!

Read more about Noticeboard - 7 September 2023


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