Noticeboard 13 October 2022

Welcome to this week's noticeboard which contains a link to book onto the new BCC and BEP School Briefings, a reminder for Year 7 and 14-19 Admissions September 2023, new DfE School Attendance Guidance, information on DLP newsletters and more!


BCC and BEP School Briefings

Join BCC and BEP for the first in these new monthly briefings. These will be online with a face-to-face session planned at the end of each term.

Our first session will include: information on the city’s performance in summer 2022’s key assessments, Ofsted headlines, school improvement priorities and an update on surplus places.

There is a choice of 2 dates in October:

  • Tuesday, 18 October 2022 - 14:00-14:45
  • Thursday, 20 October 2022 - 10:00-10:45

We do hope you’ll be able to join us and you can book here:

Reminder – Year 7 and 14-19 Admissions September 2023

All Â鶹ÊÓƵ maintained primary, junior and all-through schools were sent a letter prior to the end of term in July 2022 to distribute to parents/carers of children due to transfer to secondary school next year and who are without an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP). This letter contains key information, including important guidance for parents with a child born between 1 September 2011 and 31 August 2012 who had deferred entry agreed at the point they were due to start Reception. If you need a copy of this letter, please email admissions@birmingham.gov.uk

Parents residing in Â鶹ÊÓƵ should apply through the Â鶹ÊÓƵ website up until the deadline of 31 October 2022.  Further information, as well as the admission arrangements to support parents with making their preferences, can be found on our website.  Advice and support is also available from Children's Services on 0121 303 1888.

Thank you for your support in publicising the process as parents who apply late are less likely to be offered one of their preferred schools.

New DfE School Attendance Guidance

From September 2022, ‘Working together to improve school attendance’ became the DfE’s attendance guidance for all schools, MATs and local authorities.  Though some of responsibilities outlined in the document do not need to be in place until September 2023 when the guidance become statutory, there is useful information on escalation principles, registration codes, and deletion from roll.  Currently, the local authority is looking at how its duties can be fully met by September 2023.   You can access the guidance here: 

FAST-track to Attendance – Early Help

The Education Legal Intervention Team has received queries relating to Step one of the FAST-track guidance where, in the event parents have not responded to phone calls, informal meeting invitations and home visits and where there is no allocated early help worker/family support worker/social worker, schools should book an early help conversation with the local early help hub by completing the relevant sections in the family connect form. We anticipate that this will only be applicable in a very small number of cases. It is not required where parents have refused consent or where they have been explicit in stating they don’t want contact from the school regarding attendance, even though their child is on roll there. To clarify:

  • Schools should try to seek support and advice from the Early Help Service in trying to engage families who won’t answer the phone, won’t answer the door or refuse to return your calls, though you know they still live at the stated address.  
  • Consultation with Early Help is advised not because schools ‘have to’ under FAST-track.  It’s about requesting a consultation because the family may need support due to underlying problems in the family (domestic abuse, threat of homelessness, drug or alcohol misuse, undiagnosed SEND etc) but don’t feel they can, or even perhaps should, share those problems with the school.
  • Where there’s no consent from the parents for the family connect form to be completed, the Early Help Service have advised that schools can still access advise and support by writing ‘anonymous’ in the parent and child’s details.
  • Schools can also contact their community locality lead and ‘team around the school’ for early help advise as needed.

The principle that schools and LAs now need to work to, is that school attendance largely improves with early help and support offered to families. It’s an essential principle in ‘Working together to improve school attendance’ along with the need to escalate cases for statutory action (including penalty notices and court referrals) if all else fails. The current FAST-track to Attendance guidance can be found here: Attendance Procedures for Schools

Part-time Timetables/Deletion from Roll

Schools are reminded of the statutory requirement to notify the local authority of any new part-time timetable arrangements or situations where children’s names are to be deleted from the admissions register where children are in Reception or are of compulsory school age.  Deletions from roll notifications must be made using the school portal, or for independent schools by the mechanism agreed with School Admissions.  For part-time timetables, schools should consult the relevant webpage where they will find the local authority guidance and link to the form: Part-Time or Reduced Timetables

School Attendance Training

The Education Legal Intervention Team is currently working on an online training package for schools which will be available all year round and free of charge.  Unfortunately, the introduction of the training offer has been delayed due to a high demand for our service at the moment.  As soon as the training is available details will be published on the noticeboard so please watch this space! 

Education Infrastructure - Landlord Approval Special Bulletin October 2022

This term’s Education Infrastructure bulletin is available on BESS:

The bulletin features a special edition on Landlord Approval, as well as other useful updates.

Please contact Education Infrastructure for school place planning, capital projects and asset management queries: edsi.enquiries@birmingham.gov.uk

Thank you for your support.

Developing Local Provision (DLP) Newsletters

We're delighted to share newsletters from the Developing Local Provision (DLP) project run for the SEND improvement team by Debbie Holmes and Kudzai Madzivanyika.  There are two versions of the newsletter; the professionals version is aimed at schools and parties who may be more interested in the detail of the projects, and the parent/carer version offers a broader overview. 

The newsletters can be accessed on the following links, and we'd be grateful if you would share as widely as possible, particularly with parents, carers, children and young people.  

Developing Local Provision is a two-year project which aims to develop and improve provision, progress and outcomes for children and young people with additional needs or Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) in mainstream schools across Â鶹ÊÓƵ.  The project is producing encouraging results.

We hope the newsletters will prove an interesting and positive read.

Standards and Testing Agency Stakeholder Information – October 2022

The is as follows:

Reception baseline assessment

  • Reminder: administer the reception baseline assessment

Primary assessments general

  • Publication: assessment and reporting arrangements guidance for 2022/23
  • Publication: access arrangements guidance for 2022/23
  • Publication: timetable variation guidance for 2022/23
  • Publication: teacher assessment guidance for 2022/23
  • Reminder: 2022/23 primary assessment future dates
  • Action: review your Primary Assessment Gateway users
  • Action: Primary Assessment Gateway forms open on Monday 24 October
  • Information: next assessment update on 1 November

Standards and Testing Agency
Tel: 0300 303 3013 (Monday-Friday 8.30am-5pm)
Email: assessments@education.gov.uk

Â鶹ÊÓƵ Children’s Trust

From 1 October 2022, Â鶹ÊÓƵ Children’s Trust have realigned their strategic leads to be service focused rather than by geographical area.

New Structure

  • Marshelene Williams – Strategic Lead – Front Door CASS/EDT/NRPF and Citywide ASTI service
  • HOS aligned to Marshelene Williams – Jane Clamp ASTI EAST, Natalie Hardware Payne ASTI NW&C, Lisa Lynam ASTI South, Rachel McCartan, CASS/MASH and EDT and Christine Wellington NRPF
  • Velma Kenny – Strategic Lead Citywide CIC service
  • HOS aligned to Velma Kenny – Lucy Benton CIC NW&C, Michelle Robinson CIC EAST, and Rachel O’Connor CIC South
  • Lisa Harris Strategic Lead Citywide SG service
  • HOS aligned to Lisa Harris – Manjeet Rai SG NW&C, Haseena Chucha SG EAST, Shabana Warne SG SOUTH

Please continue to speak to the allocated social worker and team managers about children and families the BCT support. Any escalations should follow the usual process: TM/HOS and then AD if the issues have not been resolved. These escalations should follow the new alignment set out above.

Contact Details

Front Door Services:

Safeguarding Citywide Service:

Children in Care Citywide Service:

Primary Art and Design and Technology CPDL: The National Seminars 2022-23

Â鶹ÊÓƵ Education Partnership together with the National Gallery, NSEAD, RIBA and BCU are delivering this course which will explore the fundamental concepts, themes and challenges in each subject within primary education through engaging delivery. 

The course offers guidance on practical subject and curriculum development across knowledge and skills in line with Ofsted expectations. There will also be accompanying training materials and resources to support teachers implementing their own in-house CPD work in school, and each unit will feature exclusively commissioned keynotes and workshops from internationally renowned artists and designers such as Rana Begum, Sadie Williams, Haidée Drew, and Sarah Graham.

For further information and to make bookings please visit:

VRU Training Dates for Professionals

Introduction to Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES) – 3 hrs:  Wednesday, 19 October 13:00-16:00

The training provides an understanding to the potential impacts of adverse childhood experiences and trauma across the life course. Looking into how to recognise the signs of trauma behaviour whilst enabling an understanding of what trauma informed and responsive practice means whilst providing insight of how an organisation can begin the journey towards a trauma informed organisational culture. 

Trauma Informed Practice (TIP) Part 1 – 2.5 hrs - This course aims to reinforce the strengths and relationship-based practice many professionals will already engage in. The course contains a recap for those who have already completed the Introduction to ACEs and Trauma Informed Practice Training. It then goes into greater detail and depth on relevant psychological theory and trauma informed practice at an organisational level.

Trauma Informed Practice (TIP) Part 2 – 2.5hrs - This course aims to reinforce the strengths and relationship-based practice many professionals will already engage in. The course contains a recap for those who have already completed the Introduction to ACEs and Trauma Informed Practice Training. It then goes into greater detail and depth on relevant psychological theory and trauma informed practice at an organisational level.

Following completion of this course, if you would like to know more or become actively involved in violence prevention and reduction initiatives in your area, please contact: vrp@westmidlands.police.uk

Â鶹ÊÓƵ's Children Need You!

Nationally there is a shortage of foster carers and the picture in Â鶹ÊÓƵ is no different. Foster Â鶹ÊÓƵ, part of Â鶹ÊÓƵ Children’s Trust, is actively recruiting carers who can have a profound and life-changing effect on the children in their care. Foster Carer, Lisa said: “We’ve got a sibling group of 3 boys. When they first came to live with us they were in a very poor state and they literally bloomed before our eyes.”
“When it comes to Â鶹ÊÓƵ Children’s Trust, I can honestly say that they have exceeded all our expectations and we genuinely feel supported and respected.”

If you are interested in finding out more about fostering and if it is right for you and your family, Foster Â鶹ÊÓƵ would encourage you to attend one of their next Information Evenings at 6pm on 17th November at The Hub Hazelwell, B14 7NH, or 24th November online via Teams. Please book your place at

Join Â鶹ÊÓƵ’s Biggest Family today by calling 0121 303 7575.

Young Entrepreneur’s Business Day: Wednesday, 26 October 2022 13:00-16:00

Under 25 and looking to go into self-employment? Attend a free workshop and find out about setting up a business, protecting your branding and thinking creatively to achieve your goal!

To book your place, visit  or see staff on Level 3, Library of Â鶹ÊÓƵ.

GCP2 Training Now Available

Graded Care Profile 2 (GCP2) is a licensed evidence-based assessment tool which enables practitioners to measure the quality of care provided to children, identify if they are at risk of neglect, and support families to make positive changes. The tool can be used by any practitioner working with children, young people, and families in Â鶹ÊÓƵ.

To book your free GCP2 training, go to or email GCP2@birminghamchildrenstrust.co.uk for more information.

Termly Update for Subject Leaders – Primary Maths

  • Monday, 21 November 2022
  • Wednesday, 1 March 2023
  • Wednesday, 17 May 2023 

Maths Subject Leaders (primary) have an essential need to keep up to date with the dynamic picture and new developments in maths education. These three sessions offer the headspace to hear about and discuss relevant maths updates, pedagogy and resources, in order to keep your school up to date in delivering and promoting maths as a successful subject for your children. Sessions are led by Services for Education's primary maths adviser and a current practising SLE. 

All sessions can be accessed here: 

Schema & Curriculum – Thinking Critically: Tuesday 15November 09:00-12:00

If schema is a mental structure to help us understand, then how do you help students to see the structure of the subject we are teaching? How do you transfer information to students whilst ensuring the context required allows them to process and remember it?

During this short course we will consider links to metacognitive practices, critical thinking whilst creating an arsenal of practical ways to achieve this in the classroom.

Simply follow this link to book the course: 

Â鶹ÊÓƵ Safeguarding Children Partnership (BSCP)

There are still a few places left on the free multi-agency face to face courses below taking place in October.  Click on the title of the course to view and book or go to . 

  • Thursday, 13 October 2022 (09:30 - 16:30)
  • Venue: The Hub, Hazelwell - 318 Vicarage Road Kings Heath Â鶹ÊÓƵ B14 7NH
  • Tuesday, 18 October 2022 (09:30 - 16:30)
  • Venue: Mount Zion Community Church - 60 Thomas Street Aston, Â鶹ÊÓƵ B6 4TN
  • Thursday, 20 October 2022 (09:15 - 12:30)
  • Venue: St Barnabas Church Centre - High Street Erdington Â鶹ÊÓƵ B23 6SY Please Note: delegates are unable to eat their own food in this venue. There is a café on site or you can leave the building to eat.
  • Thursday, 20 October 2022 (09:30 - 16:30)
  • Monday, 5 December 2022 (10:00 - 11:30)
  • Venue: The Hub, Hazelwell - 318 Vicarage Road Kings Heath Â鶹ÊÓƵ B14 7NH

New dates have also been added for:

  • Safeguarding for Senior, Designated and Operational Managers
  • Working with Resistant Families
  • Professional Curiosity

Please follow this link to book your place:

It’s important that if you make a booking but later cannot attend that you cancel your place at least 14 days before the event date.  This will enable the place to be offered to delegates on the waiting list and will avoid any non-attendance charges being made to your organisation.  Cancellation requests outside of 14 days should be emailed to bscp.contactus@birminghamchildrenstrust.co.uk



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