Ladypool Road one-way scheme

Ladypool Road is a thriving local centre and part of the world-famous Balti Triangle, with lots of local shops, restaurants, takeaways and other facilities.

The road is quite narrow in some places and vehicles often found it hard to pass each other. There is also limited space for parking and loading/unloading. Previous accident reports and speed surveys showed there could be problems with safety along the road, especially at night.

To address these issues, we have made a section of Ladypool Road one-way, between the junction with Alder Road and the junction with Brighton Road/Taunton Road. Motorised vehicles are now only able to travel northbound (towards the city centre) on this section of the road. Cyclists are still able to travel in both directions, using a contraflow cycle lane in the southerly direction (out of city).

This was originally implemented in July 2019 on a trial basis under an Experimental Traffic Regulation Order (ETRO). Following monitoring and feedback received, a decision was made to make these experimental measures permanent, effective from December 2020.

Download map of one way scheme

The plan shows the proposal to create a physically segregated cycle track from the Taunton Road / Brighton Road junction to the Alder Road junction. Although the cycle track would remove waiting and loading for vehicles on this side of the road (out of city), safety for all road users will be improved. The segregated track would be created using a kerb and/or bollards.

Alongside developing the segregated cycle track measures, other necessary improvements in the area have been identified, the main one being the amendment to the pedestrian crossing facility near the Alder Road junction. It is proposed to bring the crossing facility up to current standards which includes the signal heads being changed to reflect the contraflow cycle lane arrangement.

Segregated cycle track

Monitoring identified an issue with the contraflow cycle lane being blocked regularly by parked vehicles, mainly on double yellow lines, causing safety concerns as cyclists would be forced into oncoming traffic.

To tackle this issue and improve safety for all road users, it is proposed to create a physically segregated cycle track from the Brighton Road/Taunton Road junction to the Alder Road junction.

Consultation for this scheme ran from 17 May 2021 until 11 June 2021.

This further improvement work, which included the segregated cycle track and amendments to the pedestrian crossing facility near the Alder Road junction, was completed in February 2022.

Download map showing proposed segregated cycle track

Text version of map showing proposed segregated cycle track

If you have any comments regarding the proposed segregated cycle lane, email transport.projects@birmingham.gov.uk.

Page last updated: 2 April 2024