In-year admissions round - children in care with SEND

Pupils usually start school at the start of the school year in September.

However, sometimes a child in care needs to start or change school after this because:

  • their placement plan has changed
  • they have been assessed for SEND, or their needs have changed, and there is a requirement for a new school place to be consulted and named
  • it has been agreed by professionals and current school that a change of school would be in the child’s best interest for other reasons.
    For example: the location of the family, siblings, distance to travel or risk of permanent exclusion

In these circumstances the designated teacher or Early Years keyworker should:

  • share their professional view about the child’s needs and the type of school or setting they believe would best meet the child/young person’s needs with the social worker and parent/carer
  • share what transition planning and information transfer they will undertake to support the move to new school place
  • organise a transition Personal Education Plan (PEP) meeting when school place is confirmed. The new school's designated teacher (DT) should be invited to this meeting

Exclusion risk

When the child or young person has an increasing risk of fixed term or permanent exclusion, the DT should:

  • request the support of the Virtual School Education Support Advisor – as behaviour or emotional regulation becomes more challenging
  • reassess the child’s needs and adjust the education plan, strategies and interventions using the pupil premium or additional support available from the Virtual School
  • include a two-term graduated response of strategies (assess, plan, do, review), with an understanding that these very same strategies take some time to show impact
  • discuss with the school's SENDCO whether the child/young person has additional needs and consider the graduated response and request for assessment
    • If the child or young person already has an EHCP the DT should:
      • discuss with the schools SENDCO the need for urgent annual review
      • make sure the most recent EHCP is uploaded to the child/young person’s PEP and the SEND PEP page is up to date
  • call a professional meeting or team around the child meeting
  • as a final step, consider a managed move

Page last updated: 15 May 2024