Choosing a school or other education setting

Looked after and previously looked after children start with the disadvantage of their pre-care experiences. They also often have special educational needs.

When a child becomes looked-after, his or her local authority will arrange a suitable care placement.

The child’s allocated social worker should do everything possible to minimise disruption to the child’s education, whatever the child’s age, and this should involve the Virtual School.

Stability and continuity in education is important at all stages, but particularly so at key stage 4.

If it is not possible to maintain the child’s existing education placement, the child’s new education placement should be arranged in consultation with the Virtual School at the same time as the care placement.

Ofsted gradings

Schools judged by Ofsted to be ‘Good’ or ‘Outstanding’ should be prioritised when seeking a place for looked after children in need of a new school.

When consideration is given to schools judged ‘Requiring Improvement’, Virtual School Headteachers (VSHs), carers and social workers should have evidence that the school:

  • is providing high-quality support to its vulnerable pupils
  • will enable a looked-after child to make maximum progress

Unless there are exceptional evidence-based reasons, looked after children should never be placed in a school judged by Ofsted to be ‘Inadequate’.

Our advice

The choice of the education setting should be based on what any good parent would want for their child.

Your child’s wishes and feelings should be taken into account, and the suitability of the education setting tested by arranging an informal visit with your child.

When looking at schools it is important to explore whether the school has a good pastoral team to support the child.
This may include offering therapeutic support or 1:1 mentoring.

Consider the school site, classroom layout and smaller break out spaces if required.

Many children in care have had adverse childhood experiences, so it is important to consider whether the school selected:

  • is attachment aware
  • has an understanding of trauma-informed practice

Travelling to school

It is important to consider how the child will travel to and from the school applied for, taking distance into consideration and if this is feasible for carers to manage effectively.


If your child has special educational needs or a disability (SEND), consider whether your chosen schools are suitable for their specific needs.

For more information, visit our School admissions - SEND section.

Page last updated: 15 May 2024