Archaeology and heritage

Photo showing archaeological work taking placeYour proposed development may affect buried archaeological remains, impact on an historic building, or a monument, or their settings.

If this is the case there is obligation to fulfil requirements of the National Planning Policy Framework and satisfy your local Planning Authority.

Archaeological survey for planning permission

Steps taken by the archaeologist can include:

  • liaison with a local or national authority to discuss historic environment assets and their value or legal protection;
  • carry out a desk-based assessment of the resource and its significance (to support outline or detailed planning applications);
  • undertake field investigations, if the significance of archaeological remains cannot be adequately defined without (geophysical survey, targeted trench or pit excavation, or limited building investigation might be used);
  • reporting back to the local authority on the results of investigations or production of an Environmental Impact Assessment chapter;
  • determination of planning permission by the Local Authority, with or without an archaeological condition;
  • if significant remains are present, recording or conservation work in advance of or during development in accordance with the terms of a planning condition;
  • if appropriate, community or public engagement in the work;
  • analysis and interpretation of results;
  • publication of findings of all stages;
  • archiving of documentation, digital data, research material and finds

We can also facilitate the following for you:

  • Desk-based assessments
  • Archaeological site evaluation/test trenching
  • Archaeological watching briefs/monitoring
  • Archaeological excavation
  • Geophysics
  • LiDAR assessments
  • Chapters for environmental statements