Infection control resources

Patient placement/isolation;

Hand hygiene

Respiratory and Cough hygiene

  • Catch it, bin it, kill it

Personal protective equipment (PPE) – ‘how to use’ videos

Safe management and decontamination of care equipment;

Safe management and decontamination of the care environment;

Safe management of linen; Red alginate (water soluble) bag should be used for soiled or infectious linen.

Clean linen should only be taken into the room when required. Do not store clean or used linen in room.

Safe management of blood and body fluid spillages;

Safe management and disposal of waste;

Safe management of inoculation injury including handling and disposal of sharps;

Personal health and hygiene.

Staff who develop symptoms of diarrhoea and/or vomiting should report these symptoms to their manager; a specimen should be obtained if possible. Staff should remain off work until symptom free for 48 hours.

SICPs implementation monitoring must also be ongoing to ensure compliance with safe practices and to demonstrate ongoing commitment to resident, staff and visitor safety.

Page last updated: 19 August 2024