Learning services

Learning resources and services at the Library are available for all ages and abilities, in a range of formats. Many are available to borrow, to help you learn for work and pleasure. There are plenty of spaces throughout the library where you can sit and study. 

Visit the Business, Learning and Health service on level 3 to choose from resources to help you with new skills, including ICT, modern languages, British Sign Language and driving test theory.

The Knowledge and Discovery floors offer you a vast range of lending and reference resources covering every topic under the sun, whether you are studying for an exam or simply for the joy of learning.

Looking for inspiration? Exhibitions featuring the Archive, Heritage and Photography collections both in the building and in the Library’s online galleries will stimulate your mind.

If you want to improve skills to help you in everyday life or to help you get a job, the Library is the place to come. We offer a unique, impartial advice and guidance service provided by qualified and highly experienced Advisors plus an extensive range of learning resources.

Don’t forget, there are plenty of resources available on the website, even when the Library is closed.