Top tips for pedestrians

Whether it’s a leisurely walk with the dog, or a quick jog around the park, shared paths are a safe and pleasant way to enjoy the great outdoors.

Following our top tips for pedestrians will ensure using shared paths is a positive experience for everyone.

  • Make sure you are aware of your environment. A variety of people use shared paths and some may need more space than others.
  • If another path user stops or waits for you to pass, thank them as this encourages everybody to share the space better.
  • Keep dogs under control - on a lead if necessary. Don’t trail leads across the path causing an obstruction.
  • Remember that if you are walking with a dog and it answers the ‘call of nature’, any mess needs to be cleared up and put in a dog litter bin or taken home with you.
  • If listening to music, try using 1 earpiece instead of 2 so you can hear cyclists or pedestrians approaching.
  • If you’re walking a dog, or have children with you, help them to move over when cyclists or horses are passing.
  • Listen out for the sound of a bike bell or greeting, warning you that a cyclist is approaching and is looking for a safe place to pass.
  • If a cyclist approaches, try to acknowledge that you have seen or heard them (ideally with eye contact), and if necessary make space for them to pass safely.
  • Be careful not to step into the path of an oncoming cyclist, if you hear a bike bell it’s best to keep to your left.
  • Keep to your side of any dividing lines indicated on shared paths.
  • Take care around horse-riders, leave them plenty of room especially when approaching from behind.