If you are not happy with the housing decision

You can request a review of a housing decision if you are unhappy with how your case was assessed.

This may include:

  • how we determined reasonable preference
  • the type of property that can be allocated
  • who we considered as part of your household needing to be rehoused with you

Information on how we reached a decision on your case can be found in the letter we sent to you. You must request a review within 21 days of receiving your decision letter.

An officer not involved in the original decision making process will review the decision and notify you of the outcome of the review within 56 days.

There is no right to appeal the review decision although you can challenge it through judicial review. You are likely to need legal advice if you want to consider this option.

The Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman can also be contacted to investigate a complaint relating to the council’s actions

To find out more information on how the council allocate housing you can download the full housing allocation scheme document.

Request a review