The role of a councillor

Councillors are elected for a four year term of office, and represent the people living in the ward, they are elected for on City Council, dealing with a range of problems and priorities for their local community. Councillors have to consider the needs of the wider community as well as being involved with individuals and groups.

As well as directly involved with the local community they also serve on committees influencing council decisions and policies, as well as working with other organisations, such as the police, local schools and health services to help bring about improvements to services.

Councillors are not paid a salary for the work that they do, but they do receive allowances.

Further details of the roles of Councillors are contained within the City Council Constitution, together with the City Council’s Code of Conduct for Councillors and the Member/Officer Protocol, which all Councillors agree to accept, abide by and perform their duties in accordance with, when they are sworn into office.

The Constitution, which is agreed by the City Council, governs how the Council operates, how decisions are made, and the procedures which are followed to ensure efficiency, transparency and accountability to local people.

As part of the code of conduct Councillors are also required to complete and keep up to date their statutory register of interests.

Councillors are appointed to serve on various committees and the membership of Committees is confirmed annually at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the City Council.

The City Council is responsible for approving or adopting the Council’s Budget and the plans or strategies included within the Council’s “policy framework” and receiving reports from Overview and Scrutiny Committees. Committee meetings are and dates of meetings, minutes, reports and agendas are held on the (CMIS).

Councillors are invited to take part in an induction programme, giving them an introduction to the City Council as soon as they are elected, followed by a programme of training and development opportunities to assist them in their role throughout their four year term of office.