Cabinet Member for Transformation, Governance and HR

Councillor Rob Pocock

  • Improvement and Recovery Plan oversight and delivery: Oversight of the Council’s improvement journey.
  • Structure and Governance of the Council: Overall organisational design of the Council, including the Council’s corporate governance arrangements.
  • Member/Officer Protocol: Oversight of the Member/Officer Protocol.
  • External Scrutiny and Local Government Ombudsman: To take appropriate action in response to external scrutiny of the Council through inspectorate, peer or Government improvement and/or local government ombudsman reports.
  • Strategic risk management, internal audit and holding senior officers to account on the management of risks: Strategic risk management, internal audit and holding senior officers to account on the management of risks.
  • Whistleblowing and Corporate Complaints: To take a corporate lead in relation to Whistleblowing and complaints.
  • Legal Services: Oversight of the Council’s legal services function including political engagement with the Council’s Monitoring Officer.
  • Human Resources (Including Member Development Programmes): An effective organisational development function for shaping the future workforce of the Council.
    • Development of effective change/transformational programmes deployed corporately.
    • Member development programmes.
    • Processes and procedures to support good staff performance development and equality objectives.
    • Staffing structures at JNC level and personnel procedures that comply with good practice and natural justice (in consultation with the Leader).
  • [The Employment Committee deals with issues around the employment of staff and their terms and conditions of employment].
  • Early Intervention and Prevention: To take a strategic lead in the development and implementation of the City Council’s Early Intervention and Prevention services.
  • Business Change: All major business change programmes
  • Efficiency, value for money and improvement for the Council – performance: To take a strategic lead in relation to efficiency and improvement across all Council services and to foster lean governance in all areas of Council work.
    • Oversight of good governance in relation to Council representation on outside bodies; Trading Services; Council-owned companies; and strong ‘client’ governance for externalised services (when Executive decisions needed).
  • Council wide Efficiency and Improvement: Take a strategic lead in relation to efficiency and improvement across all Council services and to foster lean governance in all areas of Council work

Page last updated: 22 May 2024