About ITT

ITT logo. White text on a purple background.

Independent travel training builds your skills to travel safely and confidently on public transport - it is your first step on your journey to independence.

An ITT coordinator said:

We have successfully trained many students this year to become independent travellers and held school bus experience days to build students confidence in travel

ITT gives people with special educational needs and/or disabilities the confidence and skills to travel safely on the bus, train, tram, or when you are walking.

An important life skill is being able to travel independently, It allows you to make choices and opens opportunities for you in the future.

Our training covers things like:

  • confidence to use the bus, train, and tram
  • your personal safety
  • road safety
  • what to do if things go wrong

A representative from Hive College told us:

Since first meeting with Bobby, we have referred a number of young people into the service who have already been trained and are now travelling independently to and from their work placements. Not only that but they are beginning to transfer these skills into their free time, getting the bus to meet up with friends and accessing more community facilities. The work that the travel training team have done has empowered these young people to begin to live much fuller and more fulfilling lives.

Watch the video below to find out more about ITT and hear young people talk about their personal experiences ITT:

To switch on subtitles for the videos, move your cursor (pointer) to the bottom of the video screen, and click the subtitles/closed captions icon when it appears.

Page last updated: 2 November 2023