Problems during your tenancy

Any rented property should be safe and healthy for someone to live in.

Unsatisfactory conditions

You should contact your landlord in writing if you think your home is:

  • not safe
  • affecting your health
  • in need of repair

Your landlord should organise any repairs promptly.

Check your tenancy agreement to see what repairs your landlord is responsible for.

Looking after your rented home

Although your landlord is usually responsible for repairs and problems in your home, there are some things you can do to help yourself.

For example, mould and damp can cause health problems. They are particularly harmful to young children and people with asthma.

Read how to reduce mould and damp in your property.

You should always report mould or damp to your landlord promptly.

We may take action against landlords who refuse to treat mould and damp in their properties.

Contact our private rented services team if:

  • your landlord refuses to do repairs
  • your landlord refuses to treat mould or damp
  • anything in your rented home puts you or others at risk of harm

Problems with neighbours

Everyone has the right to live in peace and be free from noisy or antisocial neighbours.

The Environmental Health Team can investigate noise from neighbours including:

  • music
  • DIY work
  • barking dogs
  • industrial noise

Tell your landlord if you are having problems with harassment from antisocial neighbours.

Read about anti-social behaviour.

Page last updated: 7 February 2024