Introducing The Lord Mayor (forms of address)

For formal announcements

For formal announcements you should use the following:

  • The Lord Mayor only: “The Right Worshipful, The Lord Mayor, Councillor…”
  • The Lord Mayor and Lady Mayoress: “The Lord Mayor and The Lady Mayoress, Councillor… and Mrs…”
  • The Lady Mayoress only: “The Lady Mayoress, Mrs…”

These are also the descriptions for printed materials.

At other times

The usual verbal forms of address are:

  • The Lord Mayor only: “Lord Mayor” (the older form, “My Lord Mayor”, is also correct)
  • The Lord Mayor and Lady Mayoress: “Lord Mayor, Lady Mayoress”
  • The Lady Mayoress only: “Lady Mayoress”
  • The Deputy Lord Mayor: “Deputy Lord Mayor”
  • If the Lord Mayor is represented by a deputy, who will be a former Lord Mayor: “Mr / Madam Deputy”

The correct descriptions for printed materials are:

  • “The Deputy Lord Mayor, Councillor…”
  • “The Lord Mayor’s Deputy (Councillor (or Honorary Alderman)…)”