Fraudulent addresses and addresses of convenience

Â鶹ÊÓƵ takes any attempt to obtain a school place through fraudulent means very seriously.

Obtaining a school place through deception is unfair and denies other children their legitimate claim to take up that place.

If we find that a school place was obtained using a false address, we can withdraw (retract) the offer under the School Admissions Code (2021). We will then give that place to the child who should have been rightfully offered it.

We undertake many checks to verify data provided on school application forms. These checks include sharing information with:

  • other relevant organisations, such as Fraud, Housing, Benefits or Council Tax teams
  • other local authorities
  • schools
  • other appropriate internal or external agencies

We reserve the right to carry out unannounced home visits. We will also ask the new school to check the child's home address at the time of admission. If it is different from the address on the application form, the school may check whether the previous address was a temporary address used for the purposes described above. If this is found to be the case, the place will be retracted.

The decision to retract an offer of a school place that has been obtained fraudulently is final and will not be reviewed. There is no right to appeal against the decision.

Last year, Â鶹ÊÓƵ School Admissions retracted several offers that were obtained using a fraudulent address.

If you know of a family who you believe has used a fraudulent address or address of convenience to obtain a school place for their child, email us at admissions@birmingham.gov.uk. Make sure to include as much detail as possible.

We can confirm that your details will be kept anonymous, and any information we receive will be treated in the strictest confidence. We will investigate your claims fully and take appropriate action where necessary. Due to GDPR legislation, however, we cannot advise you of the details of any investigation undertaken or its outcome.

Page last updated: 1 September 2023