Application requirements and outline process

You are strongly advised to begin the process by making an informal approach to the council to discuss your planned scheme and highway layouts. Email us on privatedevelopments@birmingham.gov.uk.

Before submitting a formal application, you must read through these webpages and fully considered our application requirements and outline process

Download the application requirements and outline process

Formal applications should only be made only when you have completed detailed designs (using the council’s construction method drawings) and gathered all the associated information required. If you need information on existing assets and inventory, you can request this using our general enquiry form.

Once you have all the necessary documents, you may submit your application for the validation check using link below. You will be provided a unique reference number upon successful completion on the application; if this is not generated, the application will not have been logged and the process will need to be re-started.

If the total size of your attached documents exceeds 10MB, submit the form online and then email all the attachments in groups no larger than 10MB per email. Larger emails will not be received and the application will be invalid. All emails should include the scheme name and the total number of emails and attachments you are sending. Email to privatedevelopments@birmingham.gov.uk.

Apply for a Section 278 agreement