Changing your personal details

Change of address

If you have moved house and reregistered to vote, your postal vote will not automatically move with you. You will need to reapply if you still wish to vote by post.

If you have not moved, but you wish your postal vote to go to a different address than the one you requested originally, you should let us know, in writing, as soon as possible. You must give a reason for requesting that your postal vote is delivered to an alternative address.

If you wish to change your address around the election period, you may find that you receive two postal votes. You must only use the most recent one, as the original one will be cancelled.

Change of name

If you have changed your name, and this affects your signature, you should reapply for a postal vote. This is to ensure we have the most up to date signature on our records, and to make sure that your postal vote is not rejected.

Changing your voting method

If you no longer wish to vote by post, you need to let us know before the deadline, which is 5pm 11 working days before polling day.

After this time you will not be able to change your method of voting and will not be able to vote in the polling station.

You will need to use the postal vote which was sent to you, although you may be able to hand it in at a polling station.

Page last updated: 31 October 2023