Kings Norton simplified planning zone

A Simplified Planning Zone (SPZ) has operated successfully for over 20 years at Kings Norton Business Centre.  The City Council renewed the SPZ for a further 10 year period, with effect from 4 October 2017.

The SPZ grants advance planning permission primarily for business, industrial and warehousing uses (Use Classes B1, B2 and B8) subject to a number of general and specific conditions. A new draft SPZ document has been prepared which takes account of comments following pre-deposit consultation.

To renew the SPZ, a statutory period of 6 weeks formal consultation was undertaken during June to August 2017, and a report was taken to Planning Committee on 31 August 2017 containing non material changes to the SPZ document in the light of responses we received.  Approval was given for the updated SPZ to be adopted in accordance with statutory procedures.  The Notice of Intention to Adopt was published on 6 September, with adoption following on 4 October 2017.

View the SPZ and associated documents