Our guarantee

Our change of name deed documents, whilst being as legally valid as un-enrolled deeds issued by solicitors, are also suitable for enrolling with the Royal Courts of Justice if you wish to do so.

Some organisations may not accept a deed poll you have made yourself as proof of your new name. Ask the organisation you are dealing with (for example your bank) if they need an ‘enrolled’ deed instead.

For further information about enrolling a change of name deed visit .

Exceptions to our guarantee

Our guarantee does not apply if:

  • you are a foreign national
  • your change of name deed is not accepted by a government department, company or organisation outside the United Kingdom (British Embassies and British High Commissions overseas are considered part of the United Kingdom)
  • a record holder is unable to enter your name correctly on their computer system. For example, because your name includes modified Latin characters or your forename or surname is too short
  • a record holder requires other documentary evidence that your name has been changed for "all purposes." For example, some financial institutions and the General Medical Council may want to see your passport in your new name before they will recognise your new name. Furthermore, the UK Identity and Passport Service (and British Embassies and British High Commissions overseas) may require evidence that you are using your new name for all purposes by presenting them with two or three documents in your new name
  • you are detained under the Mental Health Act and your clinicians decide you do not have sufficient mental capacity to understand the significance and consequences of changing your name
  • the UK Identity and Passport Service (IPS) deem your new name to be in breach of their inappropriate and temporary name change policy, which states IPS will not issue a passport in a name they consider temporary or contains a political statement; a string of words that will not normally be considered a name, or a trade-marked name

Page last updated: 29 April 2024