What the council is doing to address digital inclusion?

The city council recognises the impact that the pandemic has had not only on the elderly and vulnerable people but also young people in schools from deprived backgrounds with little or no access to digital devices and connectivity. 

Together with local partners, the city council has co produced a Digital Inclusion Strategy and Action Plan which outlines the steps we will take to minimise impacts to those communities who feel excluded. Together we will play an integral role in creating opportunities for our communities to continue to recover from the impacts of COVID-19, and support the wider, inclusive economic recovery of the City.

Whilst the strategy is focused on supporting citizens, communities and organisations to help them to gain the benefits that being digitally included can offer, we do recognise that not every citizen will have a preference for digital.

As part of the Council’s Customer Service Strategy, we will support citizens to access services using alternative ways until they are ready to adopt digital opportunities.