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Warning TextvWarning Text 2CWarning Text 2 %XTableStyleMedium2PivotStyleLight16`t Introductions definitionsnumberpercentwSheet1,  ;) 8B)Percentage of People stating religion as: All people Christian Buddhist HinduJewish MuslimSikhOther religions No religionReligion not statedEngland & WalesEnglandWest Midlands RegionWest Midlands Met County 鶹Ƶ Edgbaston Erdington Hall Green Hodge HillLadywood Northfield Perry Barr Selly OakSutton ColdfieldYardleyAston Bartley Green BillesleyHarborne KingstandingNechellsOscottQuinton Shard EndSheldonStockland GreenSutton Four Oaks Sutton Vesey%Number of People stating religion as:Handsworth Wood South YardleySutton Trinity Acocks GreenBordesley Green2006 Constituencies DefinitionsReligionUsual residentGeographic informationmInformation about the geographic methods and principles used to produce 2011 Census results can be found at Ghttp://ons.gov.uk/ons/guide-method/geography/products/census/index.htmlaThis is a person s current religion, or if the person does not have a religion, 'no religion'. No determination is made about whether a person was a practicing member of a religion. Unlike other census questions where missing answers are imputed, this question was voluntary, and where no answer was provided the response is categorised as 'Not stated'.The main population base for outputs from the 2011 Census is the usual resident population as at census day 27 March 2011. Although the population base for enumeration included non-UK short-term residents, this population is analysed separately and is not included in the main outputs from the 2011 Census. All outputs, unless specified, are produced using only usual residents of the UK. For 2011 Census purposes, a usual resident of the UK is anyone who, on census day, was in the UK and had stayed or intended to stay in the UK for a period of 12 months or more, or had a permanent UK address and was outside the UK and intended to be outside the UK for less than 12 months.E2011 Census: Key Statistics for 鶹Ƶ and it's constituent areaswto the population estimates from the 2011 Census of Population for England and Wales that were published in July 2012. Notes and Definitions1. The main population base for outputs from the 2011 Census is the usual resident population as at census day (27 March 2011). Although the population base for enumeration included non-UK short-term residents, these are not included in the main outputs from the |2011 Census, but are analysed separately. All outputs, unless specified, are produced using only usual residents of the UK. For 2011 Census purposes, a usual resident of the UK is anyone who, on census day, was in the UK and had stayed or intended to stay in the UK for a period of 12 months or more, or had a permanent UK address and was outside the UK and intended to be outside the UK for less than 12 months.2. Further information about the census estimates, including details about the methodology used, information about data quality and a Crange of supporting information are available on the ONS website athttp://www.ons.gov.uk/censusTerms and Conditions1. All material on the Office for National Statistics (ONS) website is subject to Crown Copyright protection unless otherwise indicated.b2. These statistics may be used, excluding logos, under the terms of the Open Government Licence. ?http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/doc/open-government-licence/wwww.birmingham.gov.uk/census 0121 303 4208This table is part of the 'Key Statistics for local authorities and local areas in England and Wales', the first release of the key statistics that add detailRResults for 鶹Ƶ wards are based on allocation of whole Census Output Areas.yData for any Census Output Area that is split by a new ward boundary are allocated to the ward that contains the greatestshare of its population.KS209/2011 Census, Key Statistics: Religion (percent).2011 Census, Key Statistics: Religion (number)ZONEIDKS209EW0001:All Usual ResidentsKS209EW0002:ChristianKS209EW0003:BuddhistKS209EW0004:HinduKS209EW0005:JewishKS209EW0006:MuslimKS209EW0007:SikhKS209EW0008:Other religionKS209EW0009:No religionKS209EW0010:Religion not stated E05011118 E05011119 E05011120 E05011121 E05011122 E05011123 E05011124 E05011125 E05011126 E05011127 E05011128 E05011129 E05011130 E05011131 E05011132 E05011133 E05011134 E05011135 E05011136 E05011137 E05011138 E05011139 E05011140 E05011141 E05011142 E05011143 E05011144 E05011145 E05011146 E05011147 E05011148 E05011149 E05011150 E05011151 E05011152 E05011153 E05011154 E05011155 E05011156 E05011157 E05011158 E05011159 E05011160 E05011161 E05011162 E05011163 E05011164 E05011165 E05011166 E05011167 E05011168 E05011169 E05011170 E05011171 E05011172 E05011173 E05011174 E05011175 E05011176 E05011177 E05011178 E05011179 E05011180 E05011181 E05011182 E05011183 E05011184 E05011185 E05011186KS101 Usual resident population:BCC interim estimates - 2011 Key Statistics for 2018 wardspThis workbook provides Key Statistics for 鶹Ƶ Constituencies, wards and other selected areas wards as at 3rd May 2018SWards are based on 'Best Fit' approximations calculated by 鶹Ƶ city council.?Source: Office for National Statistics Crown Copyright 2018Transportation & ConnectivityEconomy Directoratebrenda.henry@birmingham.gov.uk 2018 Wards Allens Cross Alum RockBalsall Heath West BirchfieldBordesley & HighgateBournbrook & Selly ParkBournville & CotteridgeBrandwood & King's HeathBromford & Hodge Hill Castle ValeDruids Heath & MonyhullFrankley Great ParkGarretts GreenGlebe Farm & Tile Cross Gravelly HillHall Green NorthHall Green South Handsworth HeartlandsHighter's HeathHolyheadKing's Norton NorthKing's Norton SouthLongbridge & West HeathLozellsMoseleyNewtownNorth Edgbaston Perry Common Pype HayesRubery & Rednal Small HeathSoho & Jewellery QuarterSparkbrook & Balsall Heath East Sparkhill StirchleySutton Mere GreenSutton ReddicapSutton RoughleySutton Walmley & MinworthSutton Wylde GreenTyseley & Hay MillsWard EndWeoley & Selly Oak Yardley EastYardley West & Stechforde effvUgga]hro rO t-v.fwwqJxx1 yjyyQ*zz{|5C}}vx~~wccBOUj_ KU g2ɂ /*j  dMbP?_*+%&M&d2?'(jZ?)jZ?MAdobe PDFS 4JXXA4PRIV ''''0P4(SMTJAdobe PDF ConverterResolution1200dpiPageSizeLetterPageRegionLeadingEdgeInputSlotOnlyOne0EBDAStandard" JXX BP(? 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