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The contents of this briefing are broken down as follows: The Overall Position Source of Data for the Fair Funding Formula Pupil Premium Pay and Price assumptions Insurance rates for 2018/19 Licenses Devolved Formula Capital Schools Financial responsibilities The Overall Position The 2018/19 indicative DSG for 鶹Ƶ is 1,171.574m (including Academies) although this will change during the year as more accurate and up to date information on Early Years participation numbers, for example, become available. The allocation itself is in 4 blocks: Early Years - covers Nursery schools, Nursery Classes, PVIs and Children Centres. The 2018/19 allocations will be issued by the 31st March 2018 at the latest. High Needs - covers Special schools, Resource Bases and Mainstream schools (for Low Incidence, High Cost pupils). The 2018/19 allocations will be issued by 31st March 2018 at the latest. Schools Block covers Primary and Secondary schools provision (including academies) for reception to Year 11 and is the focus of this briefing. In total 905.295m (99.64%) has been delegated to schools for 2018/19 using the framework of the National Funding Formula (NFF). National implementation of the NFF is not due until 2020/21 but LAs can implement earlier if they can. BCC is in a position to implement the NFF with only two exceptions we will continue to base the rates allocation on estimated cost and the lump sum will be retained at 150k, for the time being. Central School Services Block this is new for 2018/19 and consists of centrally managed commitments previously held in the schools block. The amounts committed for 2018/19 have been agreed with School Forum. The total DSG is kept ring-fenced from the LAs other General Fund expenditure - as required under the National School Funding regulations. Source of Data for Funding Formula Commissioned place number funding and Indicative Top Up is based upon those pupils on roll in schools as recorded by SENAR as at the 26th February 2018. If actual place numbers exceed the commissioned place numbers during the 2018/19 financial year these will be funded by the LA as additional top up funding on a real time basis. SENAR have issued detailed schedules of the Indicative Top Up budgets to all schools individually and these will be updated and sent to schools at the beginning of each half term. Schools are requested to review these schedules and report any changes to SEANR ASAP. Schools should use these schedules for budget planning purposes. The unit funding rates per pupil for Banded Assessment, Residential and Transitional Protection have remained at the 2017/18 funding rate levels. School specific factor funding has remained at the 2017/18 cash levels. Please note if pupil numbers have changed since the 2017/18 budget notification the unit funding rate will be different however the total funding received will be at the same cash level. The budget notifications do not include Exceptional Special Needs allocations for 2018/19 these will be notified separately to schools by SENAR throughout the financial year as will any additional place funding due. The indicative budget is based on the current open pupils annual equivalent top up figure. If the school is expecting a significant increase/decrease in numbers of pupils in Sept 18 this will need to be accounted for. Pupil Premium Over and above DSG allocated via the formula, schools also receive additional funding in the form of the Pupil Premium grant. This funding per eligible pupil will remain at 1320 in 2018/19 for primary pupils and 935 per eligible pupil in secondary schools. The conditions of grant state: The grant may be spent by maintained schools for the purposes of the school; that is to say for the educational benefit of pupils registered at that school, or for the benefit of pupils registered at other maintained schools; and on community facilities, for example services whose provision furthers any charitable purpose for the benefit of pupils at the school or their families, or people who live or work in the locality in which the school is situated Further guidance is available at  HYPERLINK "http://www.education.gov.uk/schools/pupilsupport/premium/a0076063/pp" \t "_parent" www.education.gov.uk/schools/pupilsupport/premium HYPERLINK "http://www.education.gov.uk/schools/pupilsupport/premium/a0076063/pp" \t "_parent" /a0076063/pp The government view is that the Pupil Premium, which is additional to main school funding, is the best way to address the current underlying inequalities between children eligible for free school meals (FSM) and their peers by ensuring that funding to tackle disadvantage reaches the pupils who need it most. As such head teachers and school leaders should decide how to use the Pupil Premium and held accountable for the decisions they make through: the performance tables which show the performance of disadvantaged pupils compared with their peers. the new Ofsted inspection framework,underwhich inspectors focus on the attainment of pupil groups, in particular those whoattractthe Pupil Premium. the new reports for parents that schools now haveto publish online. The guidance on the Dfe website states specifically that in order to ensure transparency and accountability, schools will be required from September 2012 to publish on line information about how they have used their Pupil Premium allocations. You are therefore encouraged, to have arrangements in place to ensure compliance (this should include being able to separately identify spend incurred, the purpose etc). Pay and Price Information The Schools Funding Settlement announced by the DfE on the 20th December 2017 has not funded any inflation or other cost pressures. As a result, schools are expected by the DfE to manage pay and non pay inflation pressures from within the totality of the resources available to them. Additional costs schools will need to factor in and fund are: 2% pay award increase for non-teaching staff from 1st April 2018 Pay award increase for teaching staff for 2018 is currently unknown Employers Superannuation rate for APT&C staff is increasing from 30.4% to 33.5% from 1st April 2017 - an increase of 3.1%. There will be ongoing increases in future years. Insurance The charges for 2018/19 are set out in the table below. A full copy of the cover is attached below.  LINK Excel.Sheet.8 "\\\\SVORPFP01\\FIN_TECH$\\Fair Funding Team\\A1Formula\\14_15 Actual\\Workings\\Allocations\\Insurancecharges14-15.xls" Sheet1!R3C3:R12C6 \a \f 4 \h \* MERGEFORMAT  Band - PupilsBand Value0-1492,850150-2994,450300-4498,200450-59910,880600-74916,230750-99921,0501000-124926,4101250-149931,7601500+39,800 For schools that wish to continue buying into the Citys insurance scheme (does not apply to academies) they need not do anything BCC will arrange for the charges to be put through to schools. If schools alternatively wish to buy in insurance from an external provider they are free to do so, provided it covers the areas of cover set out in the attached note and the Citys Insurance Officer is informed by the first week of April together with a copy of the insurance cover that will be provided by the new Insurer. Failure to notify the LA will lead to a charge being levied on the assumption that they wish to continue cover under the LA. .Contact details are: Insurance Section Zone 2 Ground Floor PO BOX 16340 10 Woodcock Street 鶹Ƶ B2 2XR Licenses The attached factsheet from the DfE sets out the 10 licenses that are covered by national agreements and for which individual schools (excluding post 16 academies and independent schools) will not need to pay in 2018/19. The authority has budgeted for the single charge it will receive from the DfE. For any activity that is not covered by the 10 Licenses, schools will still be liable for payment. Devolved Formula Capital It is anticipated that the allocations will be notified to you by 31 March 2018. If you have any queries regarding Devolved Formula Capital please contact: Jaspal.madahar@birmingham.gov.uk Schools Financial Responsibilities With delegated budgets, come delegated responsibilities and it is important that Schools understand that they are accountable for properly managing their budgets as set out in the Schools Financial Procedures Manual and Fair funding scheme. Whilst Schools may employ third parties to assist them with their accounting functions, the ultimate responsibility for ensuring the appropriate use of public funds remains with the schools accountable officer. Failure to discharge their financial responsibilities can result in delegation being withdrawn by the Council. Finally : If you have any queries regarding your School Budget please email your query to:  HYPERLINK "mailto:fairfunding@birmingham.gov.uk" fairfunding@birmingham.gov.uk In addition to your detailed School Budget Share, you will be able to access any accumulated surpluses. At 31/03/17 overall school balances stood at 51.97m net surplus.  Anil Nayyar Head of City Finance Education Council Arranged Insurances Each of the insurances detailed below have covers arranged without imposition of a deductible i.e. cover is on a ground up basis and so there is no excess to be paid by the school in the event of a claim being submitted. Public Liability The Council has a Public Liability Insurance Policy (including the property owners liability risk) and which provides an indemnity to the School/Council against claims made against it for compensation by third parties e.g. members of the public, visitors etc. who sustain either a personal injury or loss of or damage to their property as a result of negligence on the School/Councils part. Examples of potential claims would include a pupil tripping over a raised slab on a path, a visitor being injured by a slate falling from the school roof, a pupil injured due to inadequate supervision etc. The level of indemnity within the policy is 30m each and every occurrence unlimited in the aggregate. In addition policy cover extends to include: Officials indemnity-provides cover for third party losses of a financial nature only e.g. claims for failure to educate, diagnose dyslexia etc. with a 5m limit of indemnity. Products liability subject to a 30m indemnity in the aggregate e.g. claims for poisoning resulting from the sale of confectionary. Libel & Slander subject to a 5m limit of indemnity. Liability associated with schools visits, whether in the UK or abroad. Motor Contingent Liability- in the event of the school being held legally liable for accidental bodily injury or damage to property due to the failure of an employees private motor policy whilst the vehicle was being used on school business. Medical malpractice cover- provides an indemnity, in the event of schools accepting children with complex medical needs into mainstream education Employers Liability This type of insurance protects the Employer against its legal liability for claims made against it by employees seeking compensation as a result of personal injury or disease and which result from the negligence of the employer e.g. a teacher tripping over a worn carpet or slipping on a wet floor etc. The policy has a limit of indemnity of 25m per incident. Employees Personal Accident Scheme Personal Accident Insurance is designed to provide compensation to employees for work related injuries where there is no negligence on the part of the employer. Although this type of insurance is not a statutory requirement the Council has an Employees Personal Accident Scheme for its employees which has a Capital Sum upon death of five times earnings and a lower level of benefits based as a percentage of the Capital Sum depending upon the severity of the injury. Material Damage Policy cover is arranged for damage to the school premises, including all contents, in the event of it being caused by either fire, lightning or explosion. In addition cover is extended to include damage caused in such circumstances by terrorist acts. Engineering Engineering insurance is arranged to provide independent Statutory inspections of specific items of plant and equipment e.g. the six monthly inspection of lifts or lifting tackle etc. For health and safety reasons it is designed to identify any defects in plant which could be dangerous and therefore require an immediate rectification, or to identify minor defects which may be attended to within future maintenance programming. This cover (which for lifts is a statutory requirement) compliments any routine servicing or maintenance of the items which may have been arranged. Fidelity Guarantee & Cash The Council has arranged insurance against the risk of loss of monies resulting from fraud being committed by employees up to a limit of indemnity of 10m. This cover is complemented by a cash insurance which provides cover for the theft of cash (from safes for example) by third parties. Motor Vehicle In the event of a motor vehicle (mini-bus) being provided to the school by the LEA cover is arranged on a fully comprehensive basis to include both damage to the vehicle and any third party claims. In addition cover includes an uninsured loss service used to seek recovery of costs in the event of a third party being to blame. Copyright Licencing This fact sheet provides information for maintained schools, academies and local authorities on copyright licensing in schools for 2016-17 Since 2014-15 the Department managed the copyright licences for all state maintained schools in England that cover print and digital copyright content in books, journals and magazines (Copyright Licensing Agency; (CLA) licence); printed music (Schools Printed Music (SPML) licence); licences for copyright content in newspapers and magazines (the Newspaper Licensing Agency media access (NLA) licence); recording and use of copies of radio and television programmes, including from a number of catch-up services (the Educational Recording Agency (ERA) licence); the showing of films (the Public Video Screening (PVSL) licence) and Motion Picture Licensing Company (MPLC) licence); music copyright licences (Performing Rights Society for Music (PRS) licence) payments for performances of covered work; (Phonographic Performance Ltd. (PPL) licence) playing recorded music; (Mechanical Copyright Protection Society (MCPS) licence) rights to make CDs and DVDs containing copyright music; and (Christian Copyright Licensing International (CCLI licence) hymns and other Christian music. Please see below for further information. Information for Schools What does this mean for schools? There are other copyright licences that may be relevant in very specific cases and schools still need to ensure they are covered for any relevant activity. For these ten licences the Department will pay a single sum to each of the Copyright Management Oranisations (CMOs) which will cover all primary and secondary schools in England, including academies, and all special schools and Pupil Referral Units. Independent fee paying schools are not licensed in the same way and may wish to seek advice direct from the contacts listed at the end of this briefing. Nursery schools are now included. However, post-16 academies are not included as they are not technically schools and will need to make separate arrangements, as will 6th form colleges. The licences covered by the new central arrangement are: 1 The CLA licence. This gives you the right to: Photocopy books, magazines and journals published in the UK and 30 other countries giving your school access to a wide choice of published information Make digital copies by scanning or re-typing for distribution to pupils, parents, teachers or governors, from titles published in the UK and USA plus a growing number of other countries Make copies of content from digital material including CD ROMs, electronic workbooks, online journals and included websites Use copies with digital whiteboards, VLEs and presentation software programs Copy photographs, illustrations, charts or diagrams where they are included in an article or an extract 2 The School Printed Music Licence. This covers the copying and distribution of a schools sheet music to school members for curricular uses and for those extracurricular activities that are not Collective Worship. The licence permits schools to legally make copies of sheet music by any of the following means: Photocopying Scanning Score-writing software programs Notation by hand Posting on a school VLE The licence also allows the adaption of the musical work so that it can be performed by any instrumental and vocal arrangements that your school wishes to use. 3 The Newspaper Licensing Agency Schools Licence. This permits the copying of content from national, regional and local newspapers and certain news websites. 4 The Educational Recording Agency licence. This allows educational establishments to record radio and television broadcasts received in the UK and to access copies of such recordings on agreed terms. Teaching staff can also access and download material on a number of on demand catch-up services including BBC iPlayer, 4OD, Five On Demand and ITV Player and Five on Demand. The recordings can then be retained, stored and copied for educational purposes at the licensed establishment. From April 2014 it also allows an educational establishment to enable students to access licensed recordings and clips from them when they are working off site and connect to the schools site. 5 The Public Video Screening Licence. This is issued by Filmbank Distributors Limited who represent all of the six major Hollywood studios in the education sector, (Warner Bros. Sony Pictures, Disney, 20th Century Fox, Universal, Paramount Pictures) and many other leading Hollywood, Bollywood and Independent film studios and distributors including MGM, Lionsgate, Miramax and Entertainment Film. The PVSL is required where schools screen films from studios participating in the PVSL scheme on their premises for entertainment purposes. Under the PVSL scheme schools are able to screen films on DVDs that have been purchased or borrowed from legitimate UK outlets during the term of the licence. The PVSL does not cover screenings for commercial or fundraising purposes i.e. where a charge is made either directly or indirectly (e.g. selling tickets to screenings). In these circumstances please contact Filmbank directly via  HYPERLINK "mailto:info@filmbank.co.uk" info@filmbank.co.uk who can provide you with a licence for this type of screening. 6 The Motion Picture Licensing Company licence. The MPLC licence is similar to the PVSL in that it allows for the non-educational screening of films on the premises of an educational establishment. MPLC represents represent over 400+ film and TV producers and distributors from major Hollywood studios to independent and foreign producers. Examples of the studios whose work is licensed by MPLC are National Geographic; the Discovery Channel; and the studios that own the rights to Bob the Builder and Angelina Ballerina. The MPLC licence does not cover: Commercially advertising the film title outside of the school; making a charge to view the film ; DVDs or downloads that are not a legal copy of the film or Outdoor screenings. If a school does wish to commercially advertise and/or make a charge to view a film, then they should apply for a separate Single Screening MPLC Movie Licence. For further information please visit:  HYPERLINK "http://www.themplc.co.uk/page/film-club-1" http://www.themplc.co.uk/page/film-club-1 7 The Performing Rights Society licence. The PRS licence covers performances of copyright music (including any associated words) which is controlled by The Performing Rights Society Limited (PRS for Music) or by any of the societies in other countries with which PRS for Music is affiliated. 8 The Phonographic Performance licence. The PPL licence is a collective licence authorising a school to play in public, or broadcast, all of its members' recorded music or music videos in the UK. Collective licences can also cover the copying of recorded music and music videos for certain purposes. Typical uses in a school would be: discos/end of term parties; telephone system music on hold; playing a record / radio / tape / CD / digital music player; school fetes (where music is being played) and Dance/Aerobics classes for students and staff only. The two licences are required by every school. 9 The Mechanical Copyright Protection Society licence. The MCPS Limited manufacture licence covers the use of music in DVDs and CDs produced by the school and sold to parents, e.g. by the PTA, to raise funds for the school. The licence provides the right for all schools to make and sell up to 1,000 copies a year of DVDs or CDs containing music. 10 The Christian Copyright Licensing International licence. CCLI administers two licences. The Collective Worship Copyright Licence (CWCL) permits schools to type song words into a computer and store them for later use, e.g. to create a song words database for use with their song projection software; to create service sheets and hand-outs for pupils and staff; to create OHP acetates; and to audio/video record music from services for those unable to attend, or as a keepsake. The Collective Worship Music Reproduction Licence (CWMRL) is supplementary to the CWCL.It permits schools to photocopy the words and music of hymns and worship songs directly from music publications and also to make customised arrangements of music for pupils using transposing instruments (typically wind and brass instruments). These licences are required either by all (or by the vast majority) of schools and there will be no way for schools to opt out of the licences. Who is the licensee? The agreements between the DfE and the CMOs simply covers the administration of the licences. Each education establishment is a Licensee and as such responsible for ensuring that the terms and conditions of the licenses are adhered to by their staff. Where is my licence? If you require a copy of your licence, please contact the individual copyright management organisations below. Information about what the licences cover What is the SPML and what content is covered?  HYPERLINK "http://schools.cla.co.uk/your-cla-schools-licence/schools-printed-music-licence/" http://schools.cla.co.uk/your-cla-schools-licence/schools-printed-music-licence/ What is the CLA Licence and what content is covered?  HYPERLINK "http://schools.cla.co.uk/your-cla-schools-licence/what-can-be-copied/" http://schools.cla.co.uk/your-cla-schools-licence/what-can-be-copied/ What is the NLA Licence and what content is covered?  HYPERLINK "http://schools.cla.co.uk/about-your-licences/nla-schools-licence/nla-licence-documents/" http://schools.cla.co.uk/about-your-licences/nla-schools-licence/nla-licence-documents/ What is the ERA Licence and what content is covered? General information about the ERA Licence is at:  HYPERLINK "http://www.era.org.uk" www.era.org.uk What is the PVSL and what content is covered? For more information on the PVSL see  HYPERLINK "http://www.filmbank.co.uk/pvsleducation" www.filmbank.co.uk/pvsleducation For a list of studios participating in the PVSL scheme go to:  HYPERLINK "http://www.filmbank.co.uk/pvslstudios" http://www.filmbank.co.uk/pvslstudios What is the MPLC licence and what content is covered?  HYPERLINK "http://www.themplc.co.uk/page/channel-overview-schools" http://www.themplc.co.uk/page/channel-overview-schools What is the PRS licence and what content is covered?  HYPERLINK "http://www.prsformusic.com/SiteCollectionDocuments/PPS%20Leaflets/Schools%20leaflet.pdf" http://www.prsformusic.com/SiteCollectionDocuments/PPS%20Leaflets/Schools%20leaflet.pdf What is the PPL licence and what content is covered?  HYPERLINK "http://www.copyrightandschools.org/" http://www.copyrightandschools.org/ What is the MCPS licence and what content is covered?  HYPERLINK "http://www.prsformusic.com/Pages/Rights.aspx" http://www.prsformusic.com/Pages/Rights.aspx What is the CCLI licence and what content is covered?  HYPERLINK "http://schools.ccli.co.uk/" http://schools.ccli.co.uk/ Does the DfE cover all copyright licences for the sector? The DfE has agreements with the above CMOs that cover their licences. Other licences may be required by your school for use of other content. More information can be found at:  HYPERLINK "http://www.copyrightandschools.org/" http://www.copyrightandschools.org/ Contacts Who should I contact? Terms and Conditions, rights and repertoire of the CLA, SPML or NLA Licence  HYPERLINK "http://schools.cla.co.uk/get-in-touch/contact-the-schools-team-at-cla/" http://schools.cla.co.uk/get-in-touch/contact-the-schools-team-at-cla/ Terms and Conditions, rights and repertoire of the ERA licence  HYPERLINK "http://www.era.org.uk" www.era.org.uk Terms and Conditions, rights and repertoire of the PVSL  HYPERLINK "http://www.filmbank.co.uk/pvslterms" www.filmbank.co.uk/pvslterms. For information on the PVSL, contact T: 01494 836 231 or email  HYPERLINK "mailto:pvsl@cefm.co.uk" pvsl@cefm.co.uk. The licence terms and conditions for the PVSL can be found at:  HYPERLINK "http://www.filmbank.co.uk/images/80989/pvsl%20terms%20&%20conditions%20feb%202013.pdf" http://www.filmbank.co.uk/images/80989/pvsl%20terms%20&%20conditions%20feb%202013.pdf. By screening films from copyright owners licensed under the PVSL scheme, each school, agrees to be bound by and comply with these terms and conditions. Terms and Conditions, rights and repertoire of the MPLC  HYPERLINK "http://www.themplc.co.uk/page/contact-the-mplc" http://www.themplc.co.uk/page/contact-the-mplc Terms and Conditions of the PPL licence can be found at:  HYPERLINK "http://www.ppluk.com/I-Play-Music/Businesses/Why-do-I-need-a-licence/" http://www.ppluk.com/I-Play-Music/Businesses/Why-do-I-need-a-licence/ Terms and Conditions of the PRS licence can be found at:  HYPERLINK "http://www.prsformusic.com/users/businessesandliveevents/generaltermsandconditions/Pages/default.aspx" http://www.prsformusic.com/users/businessesandliveevents/generaltermsandconditions/Pages/default.aspx Terms and Conditions of the MCPS Limited Manufacture licence can be found at:  HYPERLINK "http://www.prsformusic.com/SiteCollectionDocuments/LM%20TandC.pdf" http://www.prsformusic.com/SiteCollectionDocuments/LM%20TandC.pdf Terms and Conditions of the CCLI licence can be found at:  HYPERLINK "http://schools.ccli.co.uk/pdfs/schools/terms/SchoolLicenceTermsUK.pdf" http://schools.ccli.co.uk/pdfs/schools/terms/SchoolLicenceTermsUK.pdf Independent fee paying school licensed through the Independent Association of Prep Schools can obtain advice at  HYPERLINK "https://www.iaps.org.uk/about/copyright-and-schools" https://www.iaps.org.uk/about/copyright-and-schools 4.5     PAGE  PAGE 1 (9JLOPTUV`abcersz{}~滮xocoXPXPXHhTCJaJh CJaJhnhZuCJaJhnhI5>*CJhnhICJhnhICJOJQJaJhnh;b CJOJQJhnhQ'CJOJQJhnh5~ CJOJQJhnhaCJOJQJhBWCJOJQJhBCJOJQJhTCJOJQJhnhFCJOJQJhnhICJOJQJhnhhCJOJQJ9Lcders i j  , 5 N r s t  & F]gd!U]gd!Ui ɾɾt`F0* *hTh),]5>*B*CJPJaJph3j *hTh),]5>*B*CJPJUaJph'h),]h),]5>*B*CJPJaJph- jh),]h),]5>*B*CJPJaJph!hnhaB*CJPJaJph!hnh5~ B*CJPJaJph!hnhZuB*CJPJaJphhnhZuCJaJhnh{ICJaJhnh&CJaJhnhFCJaJhnhICJaJhnhd?CJaJi j k q r y z } ~    ȶ~mbZObDb*B*CJPJaJph" *hTh43O0J5CJPJaJ" *hTh1 i0J5CJPJaJ" *hTha0J5CJPJaJ3j *hTh),]5>*B*CJPJUaJph9j *hTh),]5>*B*CJPJUaJph  i   ' ( * + , 5 M N r s t 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