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The VAT due to HMRC is 1/6 of the income received. Please complete the table above with the value of the income, and the schools Voyager Code that is to be charged for the incorrectly coded VAT.Adult School Meals Income - |Where VAT has not been accounted for on this income, VAT needs to be paid over to HMRC going back 4 years to September 2013.\Schools need to identify income on adult meals, for each month going back to September 2013.fIf your school has been correctly accounting for VAT on this income, please confirm with a nil return.]VAT does not apply to cold take away food as this is zero rated, (eg. sandwiches and fruit). If schools do not have data going back that far, they should complete the form as far back as they can and income will be estimated, by the City Council, to cover the whole period.kPlease send the completed spreadsheet to Leigh Nash by 31 October 2017 who will arrange a Journal transfer.78F*4 G4R4b5mE7PccB g2ɀ (NUV  dMbP?_*+%,&xθp-m-0X΢"k [T <4)0-u PP]/EL+q>62E:N V1t_9|FdmCm }̂ql ^{fXH "pgg](P՘3]2mrˊJ1h+TCpMfJ6V%͇. =¬]4I9 ":u\q?h{Y˹uͻ/`:%(F|->}yӪŸmPֲFr"ۊ!jUߴ;L O]A3.n0(rDl{Av"|rLydH[YtMj+l,)Dg!4xc 7O~=+S>>_ 3`=<1ȢPaV@`5`݆e `5bY %.nQb($HY[B\@eG%#I%tuK1p0Dk);y)ơԞ~kM}hwTf<,bȭձb)+,9G.eEycidFA 1HFy~ S؂2 ޙ9+y)hI fRrL Y2R,};_@f)5h~"ooϓtzSy^싧#3ag'd[R-o~Y$Uo.x} 0EEvb7RA/Nk0IJ[7VZ-Z{tα61JS6|! O؅rFS[kYO z1>7IqU|@Kne`ߙe I2$O <Z*Q{0i!/9tY}>xҎh򻂰&'LkXߍ.?" \XX BP(?p= ף?&ܣU} }  } } I( ; ; ; ,,,,,, , , , , ,,, , , , , , , , , , , X@ X@ , , ? 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