ࡱ> BD?@Aq` bjbjqPqP W::O J J J Htććć.Rp܌T,$hVTJ ݕ@܌ݕݕ  לללݕ" 8J Fלݕללb$2 J ! 2J>S9ćxw"0Rї!!&J G00ל4Rݕݕݕݕ...Ao...o D  DATED 200X BIRMINGHAM CITY COUNCIL - and - _XXXX ______________________________________________ SECTION 106 AGREEMENT relating to Land at _XXXX 鶹Ƶ Planning Application Ref: _XXXX _______________________________________________ INDEX Clause Page No STATUTORY PROVISIONS 3 INTERPRETATION 4 COMMENCEMENT 11 COVENANTS BY THE OWNER 11 FURTHER COVENANTS BY THE OWNER 11 CONFIRMATION OF INTEREST 12 [7. COVENANT BY THE DEVELOPER 12] COVENANT BY THE MORTGAGEE 12 COVENANTS BY THE COUNCIL 12 MISCELLANEOUS 13 NOTICES 14 ARBITRATION 15 LATE PAYMENT 15 CONTRACTS (RIGHTS OF THIRD PARTIES) ACT 1999 16 LEGAL COSTS 16 JURISDICTION 16 Appendix 1 Standard Lease Provisions Appendix 2 Site Plan Appendix 3 Draft Planning Consent Appendix 4 Implementation Notice Appendix 5 Section 106 Payment Form THE DEED is made on day of 200_X BETWEEN:- BIRMINGHAM CITY COUNCIL of the Council House 鶹Ƶ B11BB (theCouncil) _XXXX (Company Number _XXXX) whose registered office is situated at _XXXX (the Owner") _XXXX (Company no. _XXXX ) whose registered office is situated at _XXXX (the Mortgagee) WHEREAS The Council is the Local Planning Authority for the purposes of the Act for the area within which the Development Site is situated The Owner is interested in the Development Site as the person entitled to the freehold thereof The Owner wishes to secure the development of the Development Site and the Application has been submitted to the Council for that purpose The Council considers and the Owner accepts by the terms of this Deed that the Development should not take place without the Owner entering into the obligations contained in this Deed The Mortgagee has the benefit of a legal charge over the Development Site dated _XXXX NOW THIS DEED WITNESSES as follows:- STATUTORY PROVISIONS This Deed is made pursuant to the provisions of Section 106 of the Act and all other powers enabling which may be relevant for the purpose of giving validity hereto or facilitating the enforcement of the obligations herein contained with intent to bind the Owner's interest in the Development Site and the covenants in this Deed on the part of the Owner are planning obligations for the purposes of the Act INTERPRETATION In this Deed in addition to the parties hereinbefore referred to the following words and expressions shall where the context so requires or admits have the following meanings:- Act the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended) _XXXX Sum the sum of _XXXX (adjusted in accordance with any proportional increase in the Index from [date of Planning Committee resolution] to the date on which payment is made) Affordable Housing Register a register maintained by the Council for the purpose of providing access to properties at less than market value for persons who cannot afford to buy properties generally available on the open market "Application" planning application reference _XXXX Authorised Deposit Taker a person permitted to accept deposits pursuant to Part 4 of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 Chief Housing Officer means the head of the Councils Housing Department or such other person performing that duty for the time being Commuted Sum means a sum per Low Cost Housing Unit being _% of the Open Market Value at the time of payment of the Commuted Sum (or such other figure as otherwise agreed between the parties in writing), and a sum per Rented Affordable Housing Unit or Shared Ownership Unit being a percentage of the Open Market Value of those units, such percentage to be agreed between the Chief Housing Officer and the Owner at the time of the payment of the Commuted Sum Design and Quality Standards the core standards set out in the Homes and Communities Agency publication Design and Quality Standards (or such other document amending consolidating or replacing it) "Development" _XXXX "Development Site" all that land shown edged red on the Plan Strategic Director of Development means the head of the Councils Department of Planning and Regeneration or such other person performing that duty for the time being Discounted Price means _% of the Open Market Value (or such other figure as otherwise agreed between the parties in writing) Due Date the date upon which any payment due under any of the provisions of this Deed is to be made "Implementation Notice" the notice in writing to be served upon the Council by the Owner notifying it of the Owner's intention to commence the Implementation Works in the form of the draft notice annexed hereto as Appendix 4 "Implementation Works" any works to implement the Planning Permission by the carrying out of a material operation as defined by Section 56(4) of the Act and the term Implementation shall be construed accordingly Independent Valuer means a member of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors appointed by the Owner at its own cost but first approved by the Council, and the phrase Independent Valuers shall be construed accordingly Index the Building Cost Information Service All-In Tender Price Index published by the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (or such other index as may be agreed between the parties) Low Cost Housing Units means _ Residential Units [with parking spaces] comprised in the Development on the Development Site (or such other figure as otherwise agreed between the parties and Chief Housing Officer in writing) the size type location and mix of which is to be first agreed with the Council such units to be constructed to an agreed specification which shall be no less favourable than the Open Market Dwellings and the term Low Cost Housing Unit shall be construed accordingly Marketing Strategy the proposals for the marketing of the Low Cost Housing Units (and/or Rented Affordable Housing Units and/or the Shared Ownership Units to find a suitable purchaser in the event that the provisions of the [Fifth] Schedule apply) Offer Letter means any written communication between the Owner and Preferred Partner RSLs for the purposes of the Owner offering Low Cost Housing Units under paragraph 6 of the Second Schedule and Rented Affordable Housing Units under paragraph 1 of the Third Schedule and Shared Ownership Units under paragraph 1 of the Fourth Schedule to a Preferred Partner RSL Open Market Dwellings all those dwellings, [except the Low Cost Housing Units the Rented Affordable Housing Units and the Shared Ownership Units,] constructed as part of the Development and intended for sale in the private housing market at open market value, and the phrase Open Market Dwelling shall be construed accordingly Open Market Value means the average of the figure considered by each of two Independent Valuers to be the best price at which the sale of an unencumbered freehold interest or long leasehold interest (which here shall mean a leasehold interest in excess of 99 years at a premium or a peppercorn rent) in a Low Cost Housing Unit or Rented Affordable Housing Unit or Shared Ownership Unit would have been completed unconditionally (as if it were an Open Market Dwelling) on the date of valuation assuming a willing seller and a willing buyer; and that prior to the date of valuation the property was freely exposed to the market there had been a reasonable period within which to negotiate the sale (having regard to the nature of the property and the state of the market) and that values remained static throughout that period; and that no account is taken of any bid by a prospective purchaser with a special interest; and that both parties to the transaction had acted knowledgeably prudently and without compulsion; and that the property is in its existing state of repair Plan the site plan annexed hereto as Appendix 2 Planning Permission the planning permission to be issued by the Council pursuant to the Application generally in the form of the draft annexed hereto as Appendix 3 Price in the case of Shared Ownership Units and Rented Affordable Housing Units means a percentage of the Open Market Value (as at the intended date of the exchange of contract in respect of the unit(s)) to be agreed between the Owner, the Preferred Partner RSL and the Chief Housing Officer being such a percentage to enable the Rented Affordable Housing Units and the Shared Ownership Units to be made available within Homes and Communities Agency rent targets without the need for the Preferred Partner RSL to apply for Homes and Communities Agency social housing grant Preferred Partner RSL means a Registered Social Landlord selected against set criteria (for housing management and/or development) by the Council and the Homes and Communities Agency as a partner for a defined area of 鶹Ƶ Registered Social Landlord a body registered under section 2 of the Housing Act 1996 (or any statutory provision amending, consolidating or replacing it for the time being in force) or in the event that Registered Social Landlords are replaced by statute some other form of organisation replacing or taking over the functions of a Registered Social Landlord as shall first be approved by the Council Rented Affordable Housing Units _XXXX Residential Units for rent [with parking spaces] comprised in the Development on the Development Site (or such other figure as otherwise agreed between the parties in writing), the location, size, type and mix of which is to be first agreed with the Council, such units to be constructed to Design and Quality Standards and to an agreed specification no less favourable than the Open Market Dwellings and the term Rented Affordable Housing Unit shall be construed accordingly Residential Units means all dwellings including [Low Cost Housing Units, Rented Affordable Housing Units, Shared Ownership Units and] Open Market Dwellings constructed as part of the Development Section 106 Payment Form the form annexed hereto as Appendix 5 which is to be completed and sent to the Council when paying monies due under this Deed Shared Ownership Units _XXXX Residential Units [with parking spaces] comprised in the Development on the Development Site (or such other figure as otherwise agreed between the parties in writing) to be disposed of by way of a shared ownership lease, the location, size, type and mix of which is to be first agreed with the Council, such units to be constructed to Design and Quality Standards and to an agreed specification no less favourable than the Open Market Dwellings, and the term Shared Ownership Unit shall be construed accordingly In this Deed where the context so requires:- the singular includes the plural and vice versa references to clauses schedules and paragraphs are references to clauses schedules and paragraphs in this Deed except where otherwise specified title headings to the clauses schedules and paragraphs are for convenience only and shall not affect the interpretation of this Deed references to any statute or statutory instrument shall except where otherwise specifically provided include reference to any statutory modification or re-enactment thereof for the time being in force the expression the "Owner" shall include persons successors in title to the Owner and its assigns and all persons deriving title to all or part of the Development Site under or through it COMMENCEMENT The provisions of this Deed shall have immediate effect upon the completion of this Deed SAVE FOR Clauses 4 and 5 that shall only have effect upon the date upon which the Planning Permission is granted COVENANTS BY THE OWNER The Owner covenants that it shall serve the Implementation Notice on the Councils Strategic Director of Development (or such other officer for the time being performing those functions) before carrying out any Implementation Works The Owner covenants with the Council not to carry out any Implementation Works before the service of the Implementation Notice The Owner covenants to pay the _XXXX Sum to the Council on the date of service of the Implementation Notice, which date shall subject to clause [10.7] constitute the Due Date for the _XXXX Sum FURTHER COVENANTS BY THE OWNER The Owner covenants with the Council to observe and perform the obligations contained in [Part I of the First Schedule and the Second, Third, Fourth] Schedules hereto Unless and until the Council has issued notice under clause [9.2] the Owner shall provide the Council with a certified copy (including a plan if appropriate) of any conveyance transfer lease assignment mortgage or other disposition (Disposition) of all or any part of the Development Site (save to the owner and/or occupier of a single Residential Unit or mortgagee thereof) including the name and address of the person to whom the Disposition was made and the nature and extent of the interests disposed of to them within twenty one days of such Disposition CONFIRMATION OF INTEREST The Owner hereby warrants and confirms that apart from the parties hereto there are no other persons with a legal estate or beneficial interest in the rents and profits or proceeds of sale of the Development Site or any part thereof [7. COVENANT BY THE DEVELOPER The Developer hereby covenants with the Council that it shall be jointly and severally liable to the Council for any breach of the obligations of the Owner pursuant to clauses [_] of this Deed] COVENANT BY THE MORTGAGEE The Mortgagee agrees to be bound by the obligations contained in this Deed in the event that it takes possession of the Development Site COVENANTS BY THE COUNCIL The Council shall within 10 working days of the completion of this Deed grant the Planning Permission save that the Council shall not be in breach of this obligation if it shall be prevented from issuing the Planning Permission by a court order The Council will upon the written request of the Owner (or its successors in title) at any time after the obligations on the part of the Owner contained herein have been fulfilled issue confirmation thereof and thereafter cancel all related entries in the Register of Local Land Charges The Council covenants with the Owner to apply the _XXXX Sum towards _XXXX [or on any other purpose that shall be agreed in writing between the Council and the party responsible for paying the _XXX Sum provided this has been approved by the Councils Planning Committee] The _XXXX Sum when received by the Council shall be held by the Council in accordance with the provisions contained in Part 2 of the First Schedule to this Deed MISCELLANEOUS This Deed shall forthwith be registered as a Local Land Charge for the purposes of the Local Land Charges Act 1975 This Deed shall be enforceable against the Owner to the extent specified in Section 106(3) of the Act and against any person for the time being deriving title from the Owner as provided in Section 106 of the Act but PROVIDED THAT the Owner has first provided to the Council all relevant information (in accordance with Section106(4) of the Act) the Owner shall not have any further liability under this Deed (but without prejudice to the rights of either party in respect of any antecedent breach) in respect of any period during which the Owner (or as the case may be such other person) no longer has an interest in the Development Site Nothing herein contained or implied shall prejudice or affect the rights discretions powers duties and obligations of the Council under all statutes by-laws statutory instruments orders and regulations in the exercise of its functions as a local authority If the Planning Permission is quashed revoked or otherwise withdrawn or expires within the meaning of Sections 91 92 and 93 of the Act or is revoked or modified in accordance with Sections 97 to 100 inclusive of the Act without the consent of the Owner this Deed shall cease to have effect (but without prejudice to the rights of either party against the other in respect of any antecedent breach) No waiver (whether express or implied) by the Council of any breach or default by the Owner in performing or observing any of the obligations terms or conditions of this Deed shall constitute a continuing waiver and no such waiver shall prevent the Council from enforcing any of the said obligations terms or conditions or from acting upon any subsequent breach or default in respect thereto by the Owner Unless otherwise specified where any agreement consent approval or expression of satisfaction is to be obtained from any party under the terms of this Deed the parties hereby agree that the same shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed If the Owner fails to serve the Implementation Notice before commencing Implementation Works the Due Date for the _XXXX Sum shall be deemed to be the date of this Deed This Deed shall not be enforceable against the purchaser of an individual [Residential Unit] [Open Market Dwelling] erected on the Development Site pursuant to the Planning Permission or a statutory undertaker after the transfer of statutory apparatus by the Owner to that statutory undertaker Insofar as any clause or clauses of this Deed are found (for whatever reason) to be invalid illegal or unenforceable then such invalidity illegality or unenforceability shall not affect the validity or enforceability of the remaining provisions of this Deed NOTICES All notices requests demands or other written communications to or upon the parties pursuant to this Deed shall be deemed to have been properly given or made if dispatched by first class recorded delivery letter or facsimile transmission to the party to which such notice request demand or other written communication is to be given or made under this Deed and addressed as follows:- 11.1.1 if to the Council, [either] to (i) Strategic Director of Development 鶹Ƶ Department of Planning and Regeneration POBox28 鶹Ƶ B11TR for the attention of the Projects CoOrdinator (or such other officer for the time being performing those functions); [or (ii) 鶹Ƶ Housing Department Level 3 Louisa Ryland House Newhall Street 鶹Ƶ B33PL for the attention of the Chief Housing Officer as appropriate] if to either of the other parties to its address specified above or such other address for service as shall have been previously notified to the other party Any notice request or demand or other written communication shall be deemed to have been served as follows:- if posted recorded delivery at the expiration of 48 hours after the envelope containing the same was delivered into the custody of the postal authority within the United Kingdom if sent by facsimile transmission at the time of the successful transmission provided that if any means of service shall be outside normal working hours such service shall be deemed to have taken place upon the day the recipient's office is next open for business and in proving such service it shall be sufficient to prove that the envelope containing such notice request demand or other written communication was properly addressed and delivered into the custody of the postal authority in a pre-paid first class or recorded delivery envelope (as appropriate) or that the facsimile was successfully transmitted on a tested line as the case may be ARBITRATION In the event of any dispute or difference arising out of this Deed between the parties (other than a dispute or difference relating to a matter of law or concerning the meaning or construction of this Deed) such dispute or difference shall be referred to a sole arbitrator to be agreed between the parties and being a member of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors or in the absence of agreement on the application of any party by the President of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors and in these respects these presents shall be construed as a submission to arbitration within the meaning of the Arbitration Act 1996 LATE PAYMENT If any payment due under any of the provisions of this Deed is not made on or before the date upon which it is due the party from whom it was due shall at the same time as making the payment to the other party pay interest at 3% above the base lending rate of the Co-operative Bank Plc as at the Due Date for the period starting with the Due Date and ending with the date on which payment of the sum on which interest is payable is received CONTRACTS (RIGHTS OF THIRD PARTIES) ACT 1999 It is hereby agreed and declared that unless specifically agreed the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 shall not apply to this Deed LEGAL COSTS The Owner shall upon completion of this Deed pay the Councils legal and administrative costs in connection with the preparation, completion and monitoring of this Deed JURISDICTION This Deed is governed by and interpreted in accordance with the Law of England and Wales. FIRST SCHEDULE Investment in City Council Seven Day Notice Deposits Part 1 The Owner shall pay the _XXXX Sum to the Council on the Due Date either: by cheque made payable to 鶹Ƶ-S106, or by the Clearing House Automated Payment System (CHAPS) method, (details of which can be obtained from Christine Wood, Finance Department, 鶹Ƶ, Council House, 鶹Ƶ B1 1BB telephone 0121 303 2381), using the Section 106 Payment Form Part 2 The _XXXX Sum when received by the Council shall be recorded in its accounts in the name of the _XXXX [site name/PA Ref/spend purpose/] Account. The Strategic Director of Resources (or such officer for the time being performing that function) shall upon written request from the Owner provide details of any transactions involving the _XXXX Sum and of the balance outstanding. The Council shall pay a variable rate of interest calculated from the seven day London Interbank Offer Rate published in the Financial Times (FT) adjusted as follows: Balance outstanding Adjusted FT rate Over 1m FT rate less 0.125% Over 10,000 to 1m FT rate less 0.25% 1 to 10,000 FT rate less 0.50% The adjusted FT rate shall be calculated by the Strategic Director of Resources from the rate published every Thursday and the rate applying to the balance outstanding shall change in accordance with the above formula whenever the adjusted FT rate changes by 0.25% or more from one Thursday to the next Interest on the _XXXX Sum shall be calculated daily and added half yearly to the balance on 1 April and 1 October of each year The Council reserves the right to invest the balance outstanding including any interest accrued with an Authorised Deposit Taker in a separate deposit account to be known as the _XXXX Account and it shall be invested in such a way as to earn the highest rate of interest reasonably obtainable consistent with a high degree of security for the sum invested If no part of the _XXXX Sum shall have been contractually committed by the Council within the period of seven years (or whatever period of time shall be agreed in writing between the Council and the party responsible for paying the _XXXX Sum) from the receipt in full of the _XXXX Sum the Council shall repay the _XXXX Sum (including any interest accrued but not including any monies required to be paid by the Owner in accordance with clause [13] hereof) to the Owner SECOND SCHEDULE Low Cost Housing Units Following Implementation to provide the Low Cost Housing Units on the Development Site and to offer each of the Low Cost Housing Units for sale on a long leasehold interest (which shall mean a leasehold interest in excess of 99 years) for not more than the Discounted Price in accordance with provisions set out herein Not to occupy or cause or permit the occupation of more than 50% of the Open Market Dwellings prior to the Low Cost Housing Units being completed and available for occupation and being offered for sale in accordance with this Schedule The Low Cost Housing Units are to be constructed and completed on the Development Site and (save for the circumstances set out in paragraph 7 of this Schedule) shall be: (a) offered for sale to and for exclusive occupation by persons on the Affordable Housing Register who shall own and occupy the Low Cost Housing Units as his or her or their sole residence, and then; (b) after 3 months of the relevant unit being completed and available in accordance with 3(a) any Low Cost Housing Unit without an unconditional contract for sale having been entered into may also be offered for sale to and for exclusive occupation by a single person with a gross annual income not exceeding 25,000 or two persons with a gross annual income not exceeding 40,000 (or, following a review in accordance with the Councils policy for the time being such other figure specified by the Council) who shall own and occupy the Low Cost Housing Unit as his or her or their sole residence In order that the future ownership and selling price of the Low Cost Housing Units shall be controlled so as to ensure that the Low Cost Housing Units will remain as affordable housing, the Owner shall include within the lease of each Low Cost Housing Unit the clauses set out in Appendix 1 The Marketing Strategy shall be agreed with the Chief Housing Officer no later than twenty eight days before marketing commences and no Low Cost Housing Units shall be marketed until the written approval of the Chief Housing Officer to the Marketing Strategy has been given PROVIDED THAT such approval or agreement shall be deemed to be given unless refused within two calendar months of the receipt of the Marketing Strategy by the Council (for the avoidance of doubt, it is confirmed that this requirement shall not apply to the second or any subsequent vendor of a Low Cost Housing Unit) 6. Upon:- (a) the Owner satisfying the Chief Housing Officer and the Chief Housing Officer having certified in writing that the Low Cost Housing Units have been marketed for sale in accordance with the Marketing Strategy and in accordance with the restrictions contained in this Schedule for a period of at least six months from the date on which the Low Cost Housing Units were completed and available for occupation; and (b) the relevant Low Cost Housing Unit not having been purchased or being the subject of an unconditional sale contract at the date of the relevant application by the Owner to the Chief Housing Officer; the Owner shall offer any Low Cost Housing Unit(s) without an unconditional contract for sale having been entered into to a Preferred Partner RSL for not more than the Discounted Price per Low Cost Housing Unit for a period of at least 6 months on the condition that the Preferred Partner RSL will dispose of the relevant Low Cost Housing Unit as a shared ownership unit in accordance with the objectives of that Preferred Partner RSL AND the Owner shall ensure that the Chief Housing Officer is copied into the Offer Letter and is forwarded any replies to the Offer Letter 7. Upon:- (a) the Owner having complied with the requirements of paragraph 6 hereof to the satisfaction of the Chief Housing Officer and the Chief Housing Officer having certified as such in writing; and (b) there being any Low Cost Housing Unit(s) not having been purchased or being the subject of an unconditional sale contract at the date of the relevant application by the Owner to the Chief Housing Officer; the Owner shall pay to the Council the Commuted Sum in respect of the unsold Low Cost Housing Unit(s) whereupon the Owner and any future vendor shall be released from the obligations imposed by this Schedule in respect of that Low Cost Housing Unit (for the avoidance of doubt, if the Chief Housing Officer is not satisfied that the Owner has complied with the requirements of paragraph 6 hereof, the Owner shall not pay the Commuted Sum until such time as the Chief Housing Officer is so satisfied and certifies such in writing) The restrictions set out in paragraph 3 of this Schedule shall not be binding on a mortgagee or chargee in possession (or any receiver appointed thereby) of the whole or any part of the Low Cost Housing Unit(s) PROVIDED THAT such a mortgagee or chargee in possession (or any receiver appointed thereby) exercising any power of sale or leasing shall first have used best endeavours over a period of twenty weeks, in consultation with the Chief Housing Officer and the Councils relevant Cabinet Member, to dispose of the Low Cost Housing Unit(s) at no more than Discounted Price to another person qualifying under paragraph 3 hereof who shall covenant to comply with the provisions of this Schedule AND FURTHER PROVIDED THAT at all times the rights and obligations in this Schedule shall not require the mortgagee or chargee in possession (or any receiver appointed thereby) to act contrary to their duties under the charge or mortgage and that the Council must give full consideration to protecting the interest of the mortgagee or chargee in possession (or any receiver appointed thereby) in respect of monies outstanding under the charge or mortgage THIRD SCHEDULE Rented Affordable Housing Units Following Implementation to provide the Rented Affordable Housing Units on the Development Site and to offer a good and marketable long leasehold title (for a term of at least 99 years) in each of the Rented Affordable Housing Units to a Preferred Partner RSL at the Price AND the Owner shall ensure that the Chief Housing Officer is copied into the Offer Letter and is forwarded any replies to the Offer Letter Not to occupy or cause or permit the occupation of more than 50% of the Open Market Dwellings prior to the Rented Affordable Housing Units being completed and available for occupation and being offered for sale in accordance with this Schedule The Owner shall ensure that the Rented Affordable Housing Units will remain as affordable housing in perpetuity (save where any statutory right to acquire entitlement has been exercised) by controlling their future use and occupation so as to require that they are managed by a Preferred Partner RSL in accordance with its objectives and/or Articles of Association. This will be achieved by the Owner including within the long lease of a Rented Affordable Housing Unit to a Preferred Partner RSL, provisions which shall require that:- the Rented Affordable Housing Units shall not be used for any purpose other than as set out in this Schedule the Rented Affordable Housing Units shall not be occupied otherwise than in accordance with this Schedule the Rented Affordable Housing Units shall be subject to the nomination rights in favour of the Council as set out in the [Sixth] Schedule hereto the Rented Affordable Housing Units shall be let under an assured tenancy in accordance with the Preferred Partner RSLs normal letting policy of such types of tenancy The Owner shall not without the consent in writing of the Council transfer the freehold interest in the Rented Affordable Housing Units or any part thereof except to a Preferred Partner RSL whose identity shall first have been notified in writing to and approved in writing by the Council prior to such transfer, provided always that consent shall not be required for any mortgage or charge of the freehold interest Upon:- the Owner satisfying the Chief Housing Officer and the Chief Housing Officer having certified in writing that the Rented Affordable Housing Unit(s) have been offered for sale to Preferred Partner RSLs in accordance with the restrictions contained in this Schedule for a period of at least six months from the date on which the Rented Affordable Housing Unit(s) were completed and available for occupation; and the relevant Rented Affordable Housing Unit(s) not having been purchased or being the subject of an unconditional sale contract at the date of the relevant application by the Owner to the Chief Housing Officer; the Owner shall offer the relevant Rented Affordable Housing Unit(s) for sale in accordance with the provisions of the [Fifth] Schedule to this Deed for a period of at least 6 months 6. Upon:- the Owner having complied with the requirements of paragraph 5 hereof to the satisfaction of the Chief Housing Officer (or such officer for the time being performing those functions) and the Chief Housing Officer having certified as such in writing; and there being any Rented Affordable Housing Unit(s) not having been purchased or being the subject of an unconditional sale contract at the date of the relevant application by the Owner to the Chief Housing Officer; the Owner shall pay to the Council the Commuted Sum in respect of any unsold Rented Affordable Housing Unit(s) whereupon the Owner and any future vendor shall be released from the obligations imposed by this Schedule in respect of that Rented Affordable Housing Unit (for the avoidance of doubt, if the Chief Housing Officer is not satisfied that the Owner has complied with the requirements of paragraph 5 hereof, the Owner shall not pay the Commuted Sum until such time as the Chief Housing Officer is so satisfied and certifies such in writing) 7. The provisions of paragraph 3 of this Schedule shall not be binding on a mortgagee or chargee in possession (or any receiver appointed thereby) of the whole or any part of the Rented Affordable Housing Units PROVIDED THAT such a mortgagee or chargee in possession (or any receiver appointed thereby) exercising any power of sale or leasing shall first have used best endeavours over a period of twenty weeks, in consultation with the Chief Housing Officer and the Councils relevant Cabinet Member, to dispose of the Rented Affordable Housing Units to a Preferred Partner RSL which shall covenant to comply with the provisions of paragraph (3) hereof; AND FURTHER PROVIDED THAT at all times the rights and obligations in this Schedule shall not require the mortgagee or chargee in possession (or any receiver appointed thereby) to act contrary to their duties under the charge or mortgage and that the Council must give full consideration to protecting the interest of the mortgagee or chargee in possession (or any receiver appointed thereby) in respect of monies outstanding under the charge or mortgage FOURTH SCHEDULE Shared Ownership Units Following Implementation to provide the Shared Ownership Units on the Development Site and to offer a good and marketable long leasehold title (for a term of at least 99 years) in each of the Shared Ownership Units to a Preferred Partner RSL at the Price AND the Owner shall ensure that the Chief Housing Officer is copied into the Offer Letter and is forwarded any replies to the Offer Letter Not to occupy or cause or permit the occupation of more than 50% of the Open Market Dwellings prior to the Shared Ownership Units being completed and available for occupation and being offered for sale in accordance with this Schedule The Owner shall ensure that the Shared Ownership Units will remain as affordable housing in perpetuity (save after final staircasing of the occupiers interest in a shared ownership lease to 100% of the relevant unit) by controlling their future use and occupation so as to require that they are managed by a Preferred Partner RSL in accordance with its objectives and/or Articles of Association. This will be achieved by the Owner including within the long lease of a Shared Ownership Unit to a Preferred Partner RSL, restrictive covenants which shall require that:- (a) the Shared Ownership Units shall not be used for any purpose other than as set out in this Schedule (b) the Shared Ownership Units shall not be occupied otherwise than in accordance with this Schedule (c) the Shared Ownership Units shall be disposed of by way of a shared ownership lease in accordance with the Preferred Partner RSLs normal policy for such types of ownership (d) the Shared Ownership Units shall not at any time be disposed of other than by way of a shared ownership lease for a term of not less than 99 years containing the fundamental clauses prescribed by the Homes and Communities Agency (e) the Shared Ownership Units shall at all times, save after final staircasing of a shared ownership lease, be managed by a Preferred Partner RSL in accordance with its objectives and/or Articles of Association 4. The Owner shall not without the consent in writing of the Council transfer the [immediate reversionary] interest in the Shared Ownership Units or any part thereof (save after final staircasing of a shared ownership lease) except to a Preferred Partner RSL whose identity shall first have been notified in writing to and approved in writing by the Council prior to such transfer, provided always that consent shall not be required for any mortgage or charge of the [immediate reversionary] interest 5. Upon:- the Owner satisfying the Chief Housing Officer and the Chief Housing Officer having certified in writing that the Shared Ownership Unit(s) have been offered for sale to Preferred Partner RSLs in accordance with the restrictions contained in this Schedule for a period of six months from the date on which the Shared Ownership Unit(s) were completed and available for occupation; and the relevant Shared Ownership Unit(s) not having been purchased or being the subject of an unconditional sale contract at the date of the relevant application by the Owner to the Chief Housing Officer; the Owner shall offer the relevant Shared Ownership Unit(s) for sale in accordance with the provisions of the [Fifth Schedule] to this Deed for a period of at least 6 months 6. Upon:- the Owner having complied with the requirements of paragraph (5) hereof to the satisfaction of the Chief Housing Officer and the Chief Housing Officer having certified as such in writing; and there being any Shared Ownership Unit(s) not having been purchased or being the subject of an unconditional sale contract at the date of the relevant application by the Owner to the Chief Housing Officer; the Owner shall pay to the Council the Commuted Sum in respect of any unsold Shared Ownership Unit(s) whereupon the Owner and any future vendor shall be released from the obligations imposed by this Schedule in respect of that Shared Ownership Unit (for the avoidance of doubt, if the Chief Housing Officer is not satisfied that the Owner has complied with the requirements of paragraph (5) hereof, the Owner shall not pay the Commuted Sum until such time as the Chief Housing Officer is so satisfied and certifies such in writing) 7. The provisions of paragraph 3 of this Schedule shall not be binding on a mortgagee or chargee in possession (or any receiver appointed thereby) of the whole or any part of the Shared Ownership Unit(s) PROVIDED THAT such a mortgagee or chargee in possession (or any receiver appointed thereby) exercising any power of sale or leasing shall first have used best endeavours over a period of twenty weeks, in consultation with the Chief Housing Officer and the Councils relevant Cabinet Member, to dispose of the Shared Ownership Unit(s) to a Preferred Partner RSL which shall covenant to comply with the provisions of paragraph (3) hereof; AND FURTHER PROVIDED THAT at all times the rights and obligations in this Schedule shall not require the mortgagee or chargee in possession (or any receiver appointed thereby) to act contrary to their duties under the charge or mortgage and that the Council must give full consideration to protecting the interest of the mortgagee or chargee in possession (or any receiver appointed thereby) in respect of monies outstanding under the charge or mortgage FIFTH SCHEDULE Further Provisions relating to Rented Affordable Housing Units and Shared Ownership Units 1. To offer each of the Rented Affordable Housing Unit(s) and/or Shared Ownership Unit(s) for sale at no more than the Discounted Price in accordance with the provisions set out herein 2. The Rented Affordable Housing Unit(s) and/or Shared Ownership Unit(s) shall be: (a) offered for sale at no more than the Discounted Price and for exclusive occupation by a person or persons on the Council's Affordable Housing Register who shall own and occupy the Rented Affordable Housing Unit(s) or Shared Ownership Unit(s) as his or her or their sole residence, and then; (b) after 3 months of the relevant unit being completed and available in accordance with 2(a) any Rented Affordable Housing Unit and/or Shared Ownership Unit without an unconditional contract for sale having been entered into may also be offered for sale at no more than the Discounted Price to and for exclusive occupation by a single person with a gross annual income not exceeding 25,000 or two persons with a gross annual income not exceeding 40,000 (or, following a review in accordance with the Councils policy for the time being such other figure specified by the Council) who shall own and occupy the Rented Affordable Housing Unit and/or Shared Ownership Unit as his or her or their sole residence 3. The future selling price of the Rented Affordable Housing Units and/or Shared Ownership Units sold pursuant to this Schedule shall be controlled so as to ensure that the Rented Affordable Housing Units and/or Shared Ownership Units will remain as affordable housing in perpetuity. This will be achieved by the Owner including within the lease of each Rented Affordable Housing Unit and/or Shared Ownership Unit the clauses set out in Appendix 1 4. The Owner shall agree the Marketing Strategy with the Chief Housing Officer no later than twenty eight days before marketing commences AND FURTHER that no Rented Affordable Housing Units or Shared Ownership Units shall be marketed until the Owner receives the written approval of the Chief Housing Officer to the Marketing Strategy PROVIDED THAT such approval or agreement shall be deemed to be given unless refused within two calendar months of the receipt of the Marketing Strategy by the Council (for the avoidance of doubt, it is confirmed that this requirement shall not apply to the second or any subsequent vendor of a Rented Affordable Housing Unit or Shared Ownership Unit) SIXTH SCHEDULE Nomination Rights 1. Subject to the Council promptly submitting full details of prospective nominees the Preferred Partner RSL shall ensure that: 100% of the Rented Affordable Housing Units are to be available for occupation by nominees of the Council and the timescales and procedures for nominations shall be determined by the terms of the current nominations agreement between the Council and the Preferred Partner RSL and by the terms of the relevant Cabinet agreed local letting strategy at the time the nominations are made Nominees of the Council shall occupy all the Rented Affordable Housing Units as soon as reasonably practicable following the date of practical completion of the Rented Affordable Housing Units (the Initial Lettings) On the Preferred Partner RSL obtaining vacant possession of the Rented Affordable Housing Units on termination of the Initial Lettings 75% of all subsequent lettings and relettings of the Rented Affordable Housing Units shall be to nominees of the Council and the timescales and procedures for nominations shall be determined by the terms of the current nominations agreement between the Council and the Preferred Partner RSL and by the terms of the relevant Cabinet agreed local letting strategy at the time the nominations are made 2. In the event of any disposal by the Preferred Partner RSL of the Rented Affordable Housing Units (save any disposal pursuant to a statutory obligation) the Preferred Partner RSL shall at its own expense forthwith on such disposal obtain from any such disponee a deed of covenant (which it will forthwith send to the Director of Legal Services for time being of the Council) in which the disponee covenants with the Council in respect of the Rented Affordable Housing Units: - to observe and perform the conditions set out herein as successor in title to and in substitution for the Preferred Partner RSL; and not to dispose of the Rented Affordable Housing Units as aforesaid without forthwith obtaining (and supplying to the Council) such deed of covenant as aforesaid from any further disponee The provisions of this Schedule shall not be binding on a mortgagee or chargee in possession (or any receiver appointed thereby) of the whole or any part of the Rented Affordable Housing Units PROVIDED THAT such a mortgagee or chargee in possession (or any receiver appointed thereby) exercising any power of sale or leasing shall first have used best endeavours over a period of twenty weeks, in consultation with the Chief Housing Officer and the Councils relevant Cabinet Member, to dispose of the Rented Affordable Housing Units to a Preferred Partner RSL which shall covenant to comply with the provisions of this Schedule; AND FURTHER PROVIDED THAT at all times the rights and obligations in this Schedule shall not require the mortgagee or chargee in possession (or any receiver appointed thereby) to act contrary to their duties under the charge or mortgage and that the Council must give full consideration to protecting the interest of the mortgagee or chargee in possession (or any receiver appointed thereby) in respect of monies outstanding under the charge or mortgage EXECUTED AS A DEED the day and year first written EXECUTED AS A DEED by affixing ) THE COMMON SEAL of _XXXX ) in the presence of:- ) Director Secretary EXECUTED AS A DEED by affixing ) THE COMMON SEAL of ) BIRMINGHAM CITY COUNCIL ) in the presence of:- ) Authorised Signatory EXECUTED AS A DEED by affixing ) THE COMMON SEAL of ) _XXXX [ BANK ] ) in the presence of:- ) Director Secretary [SIGNED AS A DEED and DELIVERED ) by _XXXX in ) the presence of:- ) Witness: Address:] APPENDIX 1 Standard Lease Provisions In this clause the following further expressions have where the context admits the following meanings:- "the Assumptions" are:- that there is a willing seller and a willing buyer; and that prior to the date of valuation the Premises were freely exposed to the market and there had been a reasonable period within which to negotiate the sale (having regard to the nature of the Property and the state of the market) and that values remained static throughout that period; and that no account is taken of any bid by any prospective purchaser with a special interest; and that both parties to the transaction had acted knowledgeably prudently and without compulsion; and that the Premises are in their existing state of repair and sold with vacant possession; that the deed of assignment or transfer does not contain any provisions that are not standard or usual in residential leasehold transactions the S106 Agreement does not apply to the Premises The Council means 鶹Ƶ of the Council House 鶹Ƶ B11BB "the Council's Affordable Housing Register" means the list maintained by 鶹Ƶ for the purpose of providing access to properties at less than market value for persons who cannot afford to buy properties generally available on the open market (or any successor to the list that may be introduced by the Council) the Discounted Price means no more than _XXXX% of the Open Market Value of the Premises (or such other figure as otherwise agreed with the Council in writing) "Independent Valuer" means a member of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors appointed by the Leaseholder at his own cost but first approved by the Council Open Market Value" means the value as determined by an Independent Valuer to be the best price at which the lease can be sold on the date of valuation taking into account the Assumptions Qualifying Person means a person or persons on the Councils Affordable Housing Register A "Sale" of the Premises occurs in every case where there is a transfer or assignment of the Premises except when the transfer or assignment is:- executed in pursuance of an order of a court on granting in respect of the parties a decree of marriage or judicial separation; or executed in pursuance of an order of a court which is made in connection with the dissolution or annulment of the marriage or the parties' judicial separation and which is made at any time after the granting of such a decree; or executed at any time in pursuance of an agreement of the parties made in contemplation of or otherwise in connection with the dissolution or annulment of the marriage or their judicial separation; or executed by personal representatives of the Leaseholder for the purpose of transferring or assigning the Premises into the sole ownership of the spouse of the Leasehold; or executed by personal representatives of a joint tenant and the surviving tenant for the purpose of transferring or assigning the Premises into the sole ownership of the surviving tenant 1.1.9 S106 Agreement means the agreement dated [] between [] a copy of which is annexed hereto Subject to the provisions of clause 1.6 the Leaseholder hereby covenants with:- the Council; and as a separate covenant with the Landlord (but not so as to render the Leaseholder liable to the Landlord after the Leaseholder shall have parted with its interest in the Premises); that: any Sale of the Premises shall only be for the Discounted Price; subject to clause any Sale of the Premises shall be to a Qualifying Person; the Premises shall at all times be the sole residence of the Leaseholder; the Leaseholder shall not effect a Sale unless, at least seven days prior to the marketing of the Premises, the Leaseholder obtains the written approval of the Council to the proposed Sale, for which approval the Council may charge a fee PROVIDED THAT this fee shall not amount to more than 1% of the sale price of the Premises; the Leaseholder shall not effect a Sale unless the Council has been allowed a period of ten weeks in which to nominate a purchaser for the Premises from the Councils Affordable Housing Register the Leaseholder shall not sell the Premises without procuring that any transferee or assignee enters into a covenant with the Council to observe and perform the covenants set out in this clause 1; and delivering to the Council the covenant referred to in clause on the sale of the Premises To the intent that no transfer or assignment of this Lease shall take place otherwise than in accordance with this Clause [ ] of this Lease the Leaseholder shall at the Leaseholders expense apply to the Chief Land Registrar to enter the following restriction on the register of the title to the Lease such restriction to remain on the Register during its subsistence:- NO disposition of the Registered Estate (other than a Charge) by the Proprietor of the Registered Estate is to be registered without a Certificate signed by 鶹Ƶ of the Council House Victoria Square 鶹Ƶ B11BB that the provisions of Schedule/Clause [ ] of this registered Lease have been complied with Not less than fourteen days prior to the Leaseholder entering into a binding agreement for the sale of the Premises the Leaseholder shall certify and provide evidence to the Council that the proposed sale of the Premises is in compliance with clause 1.2 of this Lease The Council shall have the benefit of the right to enforce the covenants contained in [this Appendix] of this lease pursuant to the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 If this Lease becomes vested in a mortgagee or chargee in possession (or any receiver appointed thereby) of the whole of the Premises the provisions of clause shall not apply PROVIDED THAT such a mortgagee or chargee in possession (or any receiver appointed thereby) exercising any power of sale or leasing shall first have used best endeavours over a period of twenty weeks, in consultation with the Council, to dispose of the Premises to a Qualifying Person on the terms contained in clauses 1.1 to 1.5 hereto APPENDIX 2 Site Plan APPENDIX 3 Draft Planning Consent APPENDIX 4 Implementation Notice IMPLEMENTATION NOTICE NOTICE TO BIRMINGHAM CITY COUNCIL OF COMMENCEMENT OF IMPLEMENTATION WORKS Planning Permission Reference: ......................................................................... Development Site: ......................................................................... ......................................................................... Description of Development: ........................................................................ ........................................................................ ........................................................................ ........................................................................ Date of s.106 Agreement: Notice is hereby given to 鶹Ƶ that works to implement the above planning permission will commence on ..................................................................... Signed: ....................................... For and on behalf of : .................. Contact name and telephone no. .... Contact e-mail address: .... Date: ...................................................... Complete and send this form to the s.106 Projects Team at the address below together with the Section 106 Payment Form if also paying in monies: S106 Team Department of Planning and Regeneration 鶹Ƶ PO Box 28 鶹Ƶ B1 1TR (Tel. 0121-303-3515/9886) APPENDIX 5 Section 106 Payment Form Section 106 Payment Form/Remittance Advice Please forward a completed copy of this form for each payment/instalment relating to this Section 106 agreement whether made by cheque or by CHAPS  Payment method: Cheque CHAPS (please tick) Planning Application reference : Development site : Date s106 agreement completed: Payment made by: Contact Name and Tel No : Contact e-mail Address : Monies being paid: .. Purpose: Account Name (per S106 agreement): .. Purpose: Account Name (per S106 agreement): . Purpose: Account Name (per S106 agreement): Total Payment Amount(s) Previously Paid (if applicable) (1) (3) ....... IF PAYING BY CHAPS, make payment IF PAYING BY CHEQUE, make cheque (quoting Planning Application reference) to: payable to 鶹Ƶ-S106 Planning and write Planning Application reference on Co-operative Bank PLC the reverse of the cheque. Colmore Row 鶹Ƶ B3 3BA Complete this form and send together with Sort Code: 08 90 01 cheque to the S106 Projects Team at the Account Number: 61314094 address below Date of CHAPS Payment Complete and send this form to the S106 Projects Team at the address below once CHAPS payment has been made S106 Team Department of Planning and Regeneration 鶹Ƶ PO Box 28 鶹Ƶ B1 1TR (Tel. 0121-303-3515/9886)      DOCPROPERTY MatterRef \* MERGEFORMAT MatterRef/ DOCPROPERTY DocCreatorInitials \* MERGEFORMAT DocCreatorInitials/ DOCPROPERTY DocOwnerInitials \* MERGEFORMAT DocOwnerInitials/ DOCPROPERTY DocNumber \* MERGEFORMAT plg.gen P888 (s.106)  DATE \@ "dd/MM/yyyy" 11/08/2010 P888(s.106) Page Number  PAGE 30   +,567   G X Y s w   # $ 0 @ A B S e 0 W ʶʶʬʶʢʢʢʢʢʢʢʎʬʄhHCJOJQJh]0CJOJQJh`CJOJQJh6CJOJQJhY?CJOJQJhLFCJOJQJhCJOJQJhJCJOJQJh5CJOJQJhJ5CJOJQJhJ5>*CJOJQJ hJ5hJ4   ,-56<=>?@ABCDst $a$ (#     4 G Y t  $ $ (# Dd^`Da$gd`$ & F (# 0d`0a$gdDd $ (#a$ (#$ a$$a$$ 1 B T 0 1 W , $ & F !da$$ !0d^`0a$$ 0d^`0a$$ !0^`0a$$ & F (# 0d`0a$gdDd  , - 2 B C p q k ~\]7F23IJlo}ɴ鿴~h'UCJOJQJh3`CJOJQJhy^CJOJQJhlCJOJQJh_CJOJQJhJhJ5CJOJQJhHCJOJQJhOhJ5>*CJOJQJhOhH5>*CJOJQJhJCJOJQJhJ5>*CJOJQJ0, k T bc67F1$\td^\`ta$gd z & F !$ & F !da$$ & F !da$ & F $ !da$$ & F !da$ `6,!u"o$$%&v&$ & F Dd^`Da$gdDd $\td^\`ta$gd z  FG34B5  Rغذ✒؈~t؈jhCJOJQJhHCJOJQJhJCJOJQJhHZCJOJQJh'UCJOJQJhbACJOJQJ(Pop,!Y!Z!!!!!!!" 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