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Our equality priorities are informed by: National policies and frameworks such as health inequalities City Council priorities The 鶹Ƶ Promise 鶹Ƶs Values & Behaviours Local knowledge and awareness of inequalities among particular groups. They inform the Councils commitment to tackle inequality and deprivation and promote social cohesion across all communities in 鶹Ƶ. The Directorate intends to achieve its equality objectives and deliver against the Councils Priority Actions by targeting measures to tackle discrimination and disadvantage among identified groups, as appropriate. The equalities information on our Directorate equalities page and summarised in this document is intended to demonstrate our ongoing commitment to the promotion of equality in service delivery for people who share a relevant protected characteristic. It includes information relating to service take-up, special projects/programmes, equality analysis of new/revised policies, and customer satisfaction, broken down by protected characteristic, where such information exists. The Directorate recognises there are gaps in information concerning some customer groups. It will work to narrow these gaps over the coming period. Information relating to employees has been produced on a City Council-wide scale and can be found @ HYPERLINK "http://www.birmingham.gov.uk/equalities"鶹Ƶs Equalities webpage. BIRMINGHAM CITY COUNCIL EQUALITY ACT 2010 - SPECIFIC DUTIES Priority goals, key themes and outcomes we seek A Fair City Safety - People are safe, especially the most vulnerable from crime, violence and abuse Health and wellbeing - Health and wellbeing, housing quality and life expectancy are at national levels for all. Older people are able to stay in their own homes and communities. Children and young people - Children are protected and young people are able to access opportunities regardless of background or special needs. Tackling poverty - Poverty amongst children and families is down to national averages 鶹Ƶ has an ethical approach as a Living Wage City and no social groups or local areas are blighted by extreme levels of unemployment and low incomes.A Prosperous City Learning, skills and local employment - People have the qualifications they need for work, including school leavers and the working age population. Young people are exposed to the world of work and career options. Skill levels are high and all young people are in employment, education or training. Everyone has access to the digital economy. The city has amongst the lowest levels of youth unemployment of all the core cities. Enterprise City - The economy is growing, business start-ups are the highest in the country and good jobs are being created. Infrastructure development and Smart City - There is a sufficient, affordable and low energy use housing supply to meet needs, provision for employment land and high levels of investment in transport, including cycling and walking and other infrastructure such as digital technologies and district energy systems. Green and Sustainable City - 鶹Ƶ is more environmentally sustainable, with higher levels of recycling, lower energy use and cleaner neighbourhoods. There is a thriving green economy. Regional capital and reputation - The city fulfils its role as the regional capital and provides a quality of life that attracts more investors, visitors and employees. Equality objectives: Rationale EMBED Word.Document.8 \s  To be finalised following the publication of city wide equalities mapping exercise summer 2015 To support the Leaders Policy Statement, Corporate Business Plan, 鶹Ƶ Promise and Key Priorities by implementing an action plan and embedding in the Place Directorate Business Plan.  BIRMINGHAM CITY COUNCIL EQUALITY ACT 2010 - SPECIFIC DUTIES EQUALITY INFORMATION What should be publishedAvailable evidence Is this broken down by protected group?Information Gaps Based on the 9 protected characteristics establish what data you currently do not collect and if you will be collecting it from now on (Note: The requirement to publish does not cover Marriage and Civil Partnership)YesNoN/A1.Take up or non-take up of services 鶹Ƶ is a super-diverse city, and the Place Directorate delivers services which impact virtually everyone who lives, works, studies or visits the city. Understanding our customers and their communities helps us develop and deliver services which aim to meet their diverse needs. A number of the Directorates services use customer profiles to provide a comparison between what is known about the demographic profile of its customers compared to the overall population of 鶹Ƶ and this enables the Directorate to help address gaps in service delivery and improve and manage service provision. Demographic profiling is also used in Business Planning processes where services can map any specific demographics of their service users against the 鶹Ƶ Segmentation Profile data as taken from the Customer Knowledge database. Service examples: 鶹Ƶ Adult Education Services Parks monitor take up of visitors by customer profile See individual service equality pages for more information Yes as applicable鶹Ƶ has historically collected information on service users by 6 protected characteristics: Age, Disability, Faith, Ethnicity, Gender and Sexual Orientation where provided. Profile information on customers who take-up services is collected by individual services using different IT systems and is not reportable in a consistent way across all the Directorate services. Services use the corporate equality data protocol to ensure appropriate and relevant information is gathered on service users. All Equality Analyses include profile information on those affected by the service/policy based on the relevant protected characteristics, where appropriate. BAES: Measure participation by age, gender, disability, ethnicity, religion, belief, sexual orientation and gender identity. Similarly staff profiles are published on the BAES website 2.Programmes/projects that benefit people within protected groupsThe Place Directorate Customer Charter developed in 2013 sets out the overarching standards our customers can expect regardless of their age, disability, beliefs etc. The Directorate assists partners with staging various Events, for example Vaisakhi, Eid Mela, St Patricks Day Parade, Diwali, Rathayatra and 鶹Ƶ Pride, all of which make a significant contribution towards the promotion of community cohesion across the city. Service examples: Sport & leisure partner with DisabledGo who provide independent access information on 800 venues. Youth service offers services to young people to develop their skills, encourage them to play an active role in their communities and make their own decisions Asset Management provide appointments that respect prayer times, and provide same sex contractors in respect of religious protocols. Markets support NHS Healthy Start scheme for expectant mothers Bereavement service offer burial sites for individual religion groups Parks offer Horse riding for people with disabilities, support disabled volunteers, hold events such as Muslim Hands, dog walks with Guide Dogs for Blind and Youth music events Fleet & Waste Management provided information about a city wide wheeled bin in languages specific to the demographic of parts of the city affected See individual service equality pages for more information Yes where applicable  Partner organisations may publish profile information internally but not necessarily to BCC. Profile information on customers who benefit from programmes/projects is collected by individual services using different IT systems and is not reportable in a consistent way across all the Directorate services.  What should be publishedAvailable evidence Please include links to documents and websites where relevantIs this broken down by protected group?Information Gaps Based on the 9 protected characteristics establish what data you currently do not collect and if you will be collecting it from now onYesNoN/A3Equality analysis & details of any information used during that analysis Equality Analysis Policies or arrangements in place to ensure that we eliminate unlawful; discrimination, harassment and victimisation (where relevant) (A) The Directorate conducts Equality Analysis whenever a service starts, stops or changes. Individual services conduct their own analysis and identify their service users where possible by the protected characteristics. Typical examples of Equality Analysis documents undertaken by the Directorate can be found on the main Place Directorate equality page. All equality analyses are undertaken on a web based system to ensure consistency, and are independently quality assured. (B) Equalities is embedded within the service Business Planning process. This ensures that services take any equality impacts on all of our different customer groups into consideration prior to the implementation of any changes to existing functions or the introduction of new policy or service delivery. The directorate recognises that a representative workforce can impact positively on our customer satisfaction levels and involvement from communities. We monitor our workforce profile through Human Resources Operations and Workforce Intelligence Planning teams. We also recognise the value of the shared experience of staff and customers who share equality and diversity characteristics, so we collect staff profile on a voluntary basis. All reports which go to the Councils Cabinet must be accompanied by an Equality Analysis to ensure the executive has due regard to the public sector equality duty. More information can be accessed at: HYPERLINK "http://www.birmingham.gov.uk/democracy"Democracy in 鶹Ƶ - 鶹Ƶ Staff of all grades from across the directorate have received training on the Equality Act (2010) to ensure they are aware that when they develop projects and programmes they need to identify how the will benefit people with different characteristics. As part of that process there is on-going training for staff involved in conducting equality analysis which is how the Directorate ensures it meets the Equality Duty as set out in the Equality Act. The training also supports staff to help them: understand the legal framework and judicial reviews share best practice recognise diversity promote equality avoid discrimination promote good relations between and within communities Identify unmet needs. Equalities is discussed at the Directorates Customer Services Excellence (CSE) Group as it is an integral part of the work undertaken in order to achieve this award. A summary of the HYPERLINK "http://www.birmingham.gov.uk/ls-equality"CSE Assessment Report is available on the Place Directorate Equality webpage. Yes as appropriateAll Equality Analyses include profile information on those affected by the service/policy based on the relevant protected characteristics, where appropriate. 4.Details of engagement/consultation The need to change the way we engage as a Council is set out as a key objective within the Leaders Policy statement. The Directorate took part in the Corporate Public Consultation relating to the Council Budget. Details of these consultations can be accessed at: HYPERLINK "http://www.birmingham.gov.uk/budgetviews"www.birmingham.gov.uk/budgetviews An annual statement of public consultations is published on the  HYPERLINK "https://www.birminghambeheard.org.uk/" Be Heard database which summarises the consultations undertaken in the financial year. To ensure the quality and consistency of consultations, each service area has a number of designated Be Heard Editors and Authorisers, working with a Super User to provide support and assistance where necessary. The directorate actively supports events such as Pride, Black History Month, and various religious festivals, and LGBT lifestyle events, through publicising and hosting a wide range of art, drama, and educational exhibitions and events across the city, to celebrate the citys diversity. Consultation and Engagement is embedded as part of the Business Planning process. This allows services to gain an overview of their performance, assess customer satisfaction and to make informed decisions about the development of future service provision. Housing HYPERLINK "http://www.birmingham.gov.uk/getinvolved"Resident involvement is how council tenants, leaseholders or other local residents can influence how the council provides its housing services. HYPERLINK "http://www.birmingham.gov.uk/getinvolved"http://www.birmingham.gov.uk/getinvolved Over 600 citizens are involved through our network of HYPERLINK "http://www.birmingham.gov.uk/hlb"Housing Liaison Boards, For more information please visit: HYPERLINK "http://www.birmingham.gov.uk/hlb"www.birmingham.gov.uk/hlb PARTNER ORGANISATION Our partner organisations are critical in helping us achieve our equality agenda by providing specialist knowledge, data and expertise. They help us to deliver services which are genuinely inclusive. They include: For people with physical disabilities, hearing impairment and sight impairment: BID services:  HYPERLINK "http://www.bid.org.uk/home/home" http://www.bid.org.uk/home/home For people with mental health issues: MIND: HYPERLINK "http://www.birminghammentalhealthspa.org.uk"www.birminghammentalhealthspa.org.uk For people with learning disabilities: HYPERLINK "http://www.mencap.org.uk/"www.mencap.org.uk For services for young people aged 16-25: St Basils: HYPERLINK "http://www.stbasils.org.uk"www.stbasils.org.uk For women and children affected by domestic violence and other forms of abuse: Trident Reach: HYPERLINK "http://www.reachthecharity.org.uk"www.reachthecharity.org.uk and Solihull and 鶹Ƶ Womens Aid:  HYPERLINK "http://www.bswaid.org" www.bswaid.org For people requiring support to tackle drug and alcohol abuse: 鶹Ƶ Drug and Alcohol Action Team: HYPERLINK "http://www.bswaid.org"http://www.bswaid.org  For Adults with social care needs: HYPERLINK "http://www.mycareinbirmingham.org.uk"www.mycareinbirmingham.org.uk The directorate uses a range of consultation methods: surveys; meetings; seeking comments on reports; user or resident forums and focus groups; questionnaires and/or mystery shopping exercises. Service example: BAES conduct an annual survey of learners, and run learner forums See individual service equality pages for more information Yes - where applicable.Customer engagement activity and consultations are conducted by individual services, and where appropriate relevant data on the protected characteristics is gathered. Where Equality Analysis is conducted, and where appropriate, information is gathered on a case by case basis and features as part of individual EAs. All protected characteristics feature as part of a full EA. Reports to Cabinet include details of consultations undertaken and with whom, as appropriate. 5.Satisfaction with services The Housing service publishes performance information on how well we are carrying out our duties as a landlord to a Tenant Performance Management Group on a monthly basis. Repairs ask council tenants who have had a repair done on their home, to return a customer feedback form Customer satisfaction is a key plank of the Customer Service Excellence standard held by the Directorate for many of its services. Service examples: Bereavement services have 99% customer satisfaction rate Parks have 99% rating parks good or very good See individual service equality pages for more information Limited profile information is collected and currently not in a reportable formatCustomer satisfaction is not routinely broken down in a consistent way across all the services within the Directorate. The Directorate has been actively promoting that satisfaction surveys are conducted via Be Heard, which allows a consistent approach to the collection and reporting of profile information of respondents. 6.Complaints, with an indication of their reasons The current functionality of systems provides indications on reasons for complaint against a set of services with limited reasons but reporting function is currently limited. Reports are produced to identify the top three Nature of Complaints against each service area, and these are reviewed by Senior Managers to identify trends and suitable actions. Complaints about discrimination is not a feature on the complaints database however service standards make clear that we will deliver fair and equal services in a way that meets individual needs, and any complaints about discrimination will be treated seriously and responded to in line with our policy to investigate and respond to complaints within 15 working days. Reports detailing protected characteristics are not currently available, this is being investigated corporately. Complaints relating to hate crime are investigated as part of community safety initiatives. See individual service equality pages for more information Limited profile information is collected and currently not in a reportable formatThe Corp system to monitor complaints is Your Views. Although Equality information is collected on Your Views tickets raised through the internet, the same information is not routinely collected for telephone complaints. 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(鶹Ƶ Careers) Commission Intensive Mentoring Support for particularly identified hard to help young people (16-19) - those part of care system, those at risk of / part of offending system and those with additional needs. (鶹Ƶ Careers) To monitor the impacts of reforms for tenants of the city council and ensure support is directed to those that most need it at the same time as ensuring impacts on the HRA are minimised (Housing) To protect vulnerable groups by use of regulatory powers delegated to Regulation & Enforcement (R&E) To develop and support ethnic minority businesses (R&E) Contribution to the removal of barriers facing young unemployed people aged 16-19 in accessing the labour market (鶹Ƶ Careers) Deliver a careers guidance service to NEET young people from locally based centres in designated areas of high (16-19 yr old ) youth unemployment on a drop in (non-appointment ) based system (鶹Ƶ Careers) Identify patterns of under-performance amongst all groups and put in place intervention strategies to ensure all groups meet or exceed the provider groups rate (BAES) Increase the engagement of learners and staff in promoting and progressing the service equality objectives (BAES) To work with local communities to develop services that meet local needs (District) Ensure the 鶹Ƶ Wellbeing Service designs and delivers Wellbeing interventions that meet the needs of diverse communities within the City (Sport & Leisure) Continue partnership with DisabledGo to review leisure centre access and facilities and identify areas where they can be improved for disabled users (Sport & Leisure) To promote and deliver activities for LGBT young people (Youth) To provide accessible and open access youth centres to enable disabled young people to integrate with main stream provision (Youth) Engagement with stakeholders to promote social cohesion including activities and meetings with BOSF/Friends groups, hosting community events in Parks and promoting volunteering opportunities to park users (Parks) Provide support to community initiatives such as Pride, Vaisakhi, Eid Mela, Handsworth Carnival, St. Patricks Day, fun runs etc.(Highways) Increase the engagement of learners and staff in promoting and progressing the service equality objectives (BAES) To ensure the ethnicity of service users is reflective of the 鶹Ƶ population (Youth) Provide information to facilitate the understanding of a wide range of communities (Highways) Consider all Your Views and Ombudsman complaints fairly (Highways) Promote and embed equality and diversity in curriculum planning and delivery across the service (BAES) Increase the participation of males in learning (BAES) Extend the range of equality monitoring to include learner feedback so as to monitor the impact of our equality policy and procedures more effectively (BAES) Engagement with stakeholders to promote social cohesion including activities and meetings with BOSF/Friends groups, hosting community events in Parks and promoting volunteering opportunities to park users (Parks) &+~ !  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