ࡱ> VYUc bjbj 4Pff   UUUUUiii8\i":+? C"E"E"E"E"E"E"$r$('bi"UKKKi"UU4~"!!!K^UUC"!KC"!!!}Euj!/""0"!'z'!!8'U?!KK!KKKKKi"i"zKKK"KKKK'KKKKKKKKK : The 鶹Ƶ Out-of-School Settings (OOSS) project funded by the DfE (Department for Education), is offering a number of courses specifically designed for out-of-school settings. Completion of each of the courses below contributes to your setting being registered as a Child Rights Partner recognition for settings that uphold and promote childrens rights, safeguarding and welfare. Please see the information below outlining each offer and complete the attached form to register your interest. The 鶹Ƶ OOSS project team will then be in contact to confirm your place. (Multiple staff/ volunteers can attend) 1] Unicef UK, multiple courses Agencies involved 鶹Ƶ & UNICEF UK Aim & content of the Course: These will be bespoke courses designed by UNICEF UK specifically for 鶹Ƶ out-of-school settings. The courses will provide OOSS with an understanding of UNICEF, the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) and training around how the associated articles can be implemented in your out-of-school setting. Start Date: September 2020 Introduction to UNCRC and Safeguarding in OOSS Dates for the second and third courses to follow Duration: Introduction to UNCRC and Safeguarding in OOSS one 2-hour session Method of Delivery: Although face-to-face learning is preferred, it is likely that the course will be delivered via an online platform 2] University of 鶹Ƶ, Leading Learning in Diverse Settings course Agencies involved 鶹Ƶ & the University of 鶹Ƶ Aim & content of the Course: The course seeks to underpin practice in out-of-school settings through a study of academic learning, a review of policy documentation and the development of reflective practice, with the aim of ensuring that children and young people in the city have the best possible experiences. Course Content: A brief outline of the course content is as follows - child development and pedagogy; special educational needs & disabilities; safeguarding and legislation; premises management; resource management Start Date: 30th September 2020 Duration: each session will be from 10am-1pm for ten consecutive weeks Method of Delivery: Although classroom-based learning is preferred, it is likely that most, if not all, of the sessions will be delivered via Zoom 3] Safeguarding in out-of-school settings Agencies involved 鶹Ƶ Aim & content of the Course: This course has been specifically designed for out-of-school settings and will equip your staff and volunteers with the information, knowledge and skills to uphold safeguarding responsibilities within your setting. Start Date: September 2020 (TBC) Duration: to be confirmed Method of Delivery: Although face-to-face learning is preferred, it is likely that the course will be delivered via an online platform Setting NameSetting AddressSetting Registered as (i.e. charity)Main Activity (i.e. sports, faith, tuition centre)Name (used on the certificate)Role within OOSSContact Details Email & Telephone Training of Interest (UNICEFUoBSafeguarding - ALL) Please send this form to the  HYPERLINK "mailto:OOSSTeam@birmingham.gov.uk" OOSSTeam@birmingham.gov.uk email address     OOSS Training Offer Booking Form Please complete and return to  HYPERLINK "mailto:OOSSTeam@birmingham.gov.uk" OOSSTeam@birmingham.gov.uk OOSS Training Offer Booking Form September 2020 v1 %'+,-5>CGSVW`adfjpqz     $ % & ' ( , . 3 F X Y c l x y } ƹhkchkc\ h7\ hkc\ h0~\ hR\ h (\hSAhwHm\hkch4h 00h ( hSAh 00 hSAhwHmI p q 4 5 '(`a89YZgd8i$a$gdEgdwHmgdkc   ! < H I J o p q r t w }   ɿhSAhkc5\h0~5:\hSAhkc\hSAhkc5:\hSAhkcCJhSAhkc5:CJ\hkc5:CJ\h0~h8iCJ hSAh8ih0~h5A6] hSAh5A h 00\hSAh5A\hSAhwHm\4 . 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