ࡱ>  Tbjbj oeeETLTLYYYYYYYY8YZlY*wZZZZZn^n^n^vvvvvvv$,y{vYn^L^"n^n^n^vYYZZv|c|c|cn^jYZYZv|cn^v|c|c_s0uZOǔ^jt$vv0*wtl|B_|HuuR|Yqu$n^n^|cn^n^n^n^n^vvPa,n^n^n^*wn^n^n^n^|n^n^n^n^n^n^n^n^n^TL tX:  Spot the signs There are a number of indicators of trafficking and forced labour. Not all of the indicators will apply in every case, and some may not be immediately apparent. Victims may be reluctant to tell their story through fear of reprisal or not being believed, through a feeling of shame about letting themselves be treated in this way, or because they do not know their rights and the treatment they are entitled to receive. There are no set number of signs that will indicate that a person is a victim of trafficking or subject to forced labour. One or a combination of factors could suggest a person is a potential victim, so each case should be considered on an individual basis.  Restricted freedom Victims may: not be in possession of their passports or other travel or identity documents, as those documents are being held by someone else be unable to leave their work environment show signs that their movements are being controlled be unable to move freely be threatened with being handed over to the authorities be subject to security measures and controls to keep them on the work premises depend on their employer for work, transport and accommodation without any choice be controlled through religion, witchcraft, juju etc have limited contact with their families or with people outside of their immediate environment be unable to communicate freely with others be forced to shop at a place they would not choose have no access to medical care be in a situation of dependence be given only leftovers to eat come from a place known to be a source of human trafficking be subjected to violence or threats of violence against themselves or against their family members and loved ones be found in or connected to a type of location likely to be used for exploiting people have false identity documents Behaviour Victims may: be unfamiliar with the local language act as if they were instructed by someone else allow others to speak for them when addressed directly be distrustful of the authorities be afraid of revealing their immigration status have limited or no social interaction either in the workplace or at their accommodation believe that they must work against their will never leave the workplace without their employer show fear or anxiety feel that they cannot leave have to resort to crime in order to get food or money for food may need to scavenge for food be forced to commit crime if there is no work available for them have acted on the basis of false promises Working conditions Victims may: have no contract be unable to negotiate working conditions be unable to choose when or where they work be forced to work under certain conditions work excessively long hours over long periods not have any days off not be dressed adequately for the work they do: for example, they may lack protective equipment or warm clothing lack basic training or professional licences Accommodation Victims may: not know their home or work address not have been able to give their address to friends or relatives live in poor or substandard accommodation have no choice where they live or who they live with live in groups in the same place where they work and leave those places infrequently, if at all live in degrading, unsuitable places, such as agricultural or industrial buildings Finances Victims may: receive little or no payment have no access to their earnings be disciplined through punishment or fines be under the perception that they are bonded by debt have had the fees for their transport to the country of destination paid for by facilitators, whom they must payback by working or providing services in the destination be told that they can pay debts for transport or accommodation when they are found work be charged for services they dont want or need be forced to open bank accounts be forced to sign documents to receive social security benefits, credit agreements or loans Appearance Victims may: suffer injuries that appear to be the result of an assault suffer injuries or impairments typical of certain jobs or control measures suffer injuries that appear to be the result of the application of control measures Who can help? If you suspect someone is a victim of human trafficking, forced labour or worker exploitation, report it immediately. You can contact: The Police - 101, or in the case of an emergency 999 Crimestoppers - 0800 555 111 The GLA - 0800 432 0804 or 0115 959 7032 (outside office hours) UK Slavery Helpline - 0800 012 1700 UK Human Trafficking Centre - 0844 778 2406 The Salvation Army - 0300 303 8151 For more information on modern slavery, contact the organisations listed below who can give you further advice and guidance. Gangmasters Licensing Authority www.gla.gov.uk PO Box 10272, Nottingham, NG2 9PB Telephone: 0115 959 7052 (Intelligence team) Email: intelligence@gla.gsi.gov.ukUK Human Trafficking Centre www.nationalcrimeagency.gov.uk/about-us/what-we-do/specialist-capabilities/uk-human-trafficking-centre Telephone: 0844 778 2406 (24 hour advice and support)Salvation Army UK charity providing support and advice. Key contact for victims in England and Wales www.salvationarmy.org.uk Telephone: 0300 303 8151(24 hour referral line)Migrant Help UK charity providing support and guidance. Key contact for victims in Scotland and male victims in Northern Ireland www.migranthelp.org Telephone: 07766 668781 (24 hour hotline) Trafficking Awareness Raising Alliance (TARA) for female victims of sexual exploitation in Scotland www.saferglasgow.com/.../support-to-victims-of-human-trafficking.aspx Telephone: 0141 276 7724NSPCC Child Trafficking Advice Centre specialist service providing information and advice www.nspcc.org.uk/Inform/research/ctail/ctail_wda84866.html#how Telephone: 0808 800 5000 Email: help@nspcc.org.uk     PAGE  HR checklist for new starter v2.0  BCMȵxfQ??*(hG*h65B* CJ^JmH phpsH #h6B*CJ^JaJmH phsH (h6h65B* CJ^JmH phpsH "hG*5B* CJ^JmH phpsH (hJ:h&]95B* CJ^JmH phpsH %h6h6B*CJ^JmH phsH )h6h6B*CJ^JaJmH phsH %h6h6B*CJ^JmH ph#sH 5h6h6B*CJ+KH$OJQJ^JaJ+mH phsH hkoLCJh=QhCJjh6UmHnHu $IfgdJ:l gd&]9 ,,@&gd&]9gd&]9 xcc$IfgdJ:l kd$$Ifl0&99 t0644 lapytJ: xcc$IfgdJ:l kd$$Ifl0&99 t0644 lapytJ: xcc$IfgdJ:l kd$$Ifl0&99 t0644 lapytJ: k  o xqqqfffffff ^gd&]9gd&]9kd$$Ifl0&99 t0644 lapytJ: X W#BCM[ >,lgd&]9 ^gd&]9M z{012;쵣쎵|hQ=Q&h65B*CJ$^JaJ$mH phsH ,h6h65B*CJ$^JaJ$mH phsH &h&]95B*CJ$^JaJ$mH phsH "hG*5B* CJ^JmH phpsH )h6h6B*CJ^JaJmH phsH "h&]95B* CJ^JmH phpsH #h6B*CJ^JaJmH phsH (h6h65B* CJ^JmH phpsH h6B*CJ^JmH phsH %h6h6B*CJ^JmH phsH  +VgE{012;Hgd&]9 ^gd&]9Hf?=+a & Fgd&]9gd&]9 ^gd&]9562Uq$IfgdJ:l $If^gdJ:l  & F$IfgdJ:l gd&]9 & Fgd&]9 Uq~Af !"#$%./PQRSTǴǴǴǴǴǴ~ hFth+;h14h+; h+;0Jjh]&[0JUhJ:jhJ:UhvuhwCJ^J%hJ:h&]9B*CJ^JmH phsH (hJ:h&]95B* CJ^JmH phpsH h6B*CJ^JmH phsH %h6h6B*CJ^JmH phsH $t>RzbIIIbII$If^gdJ:l  & F$IfgdJ:l kd0$$Ifl0&@2 t044 lapytJ:R}~(AgaII & F$IfgdJ:l kd$$Ifl0&@2 t044 lapytJ:$If^gdJ:l   a\ZZZZZgd&]9kd^$$Ifl0&@2 t044 lapytJ:$If^gdJ:l #$%./QRSTgd&]9$a$gdFt$a$gdh]hgd}I &`#$gd}I 6&P 1h:p. 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