ࡱ>  *bjbj 4"88888LLLLLF:&&&&CFEFEFEFEFEFEF$HXKTiF8iF88&&~F 8&8&CFCF@DD&-  B&/FF0F7BfKKLDDJK8DHiFiFFK :  Stop Loan Sharks Community Funding 2019-2020 The England Illegal Money Lending Team (IMLT) has funding available for groups that want to raise awareness of the issues of illegal money lending. The money available has come from the proceeds of crime taken from convicted illegal money lenders. Illegal Money Lenders, more commonly known as Loan Sharks, lend money without having the correct permissions from the Financial Conduct Authority. They often give cash loans out without any paper work and want double the amount back or charge extortionate interest rates. When you struggle to make repayments they may use violence, threats and intimidation, to ensure you keep paying them. The aim of this funding is to give groups the opportunity to raise awareness of the issue, in their community in a different way. There are some links you might find useful: Website: www.stoploansharks.co.uk Free lesson plans  HYPERLINK "http://www.birmingham.gov.uk/stoploansharks" \t "_blank" www.birmingham.gov.uk/stoploansharks View our films on:  HYPERLINK "http://www.youtube.com/user/StopLoanSharks" http://www.youtube.com/user/StopLoanSharks Tweet us @loansharknews Facebook -  HYPERLINK "http://www.facebook.com/stoploansharksproject" www.facebook.com/stoploansharksproject Funding that can make a real difference! We want to actively encourage projects and initiatives that are different from the rest and will leave a legacy in the communities they are delivered in. To make sure youve got what it takes, have a look at our 4 main aims below: Innovative Has this been done before and if so what makes this project different? Community Engagement Who will this project reach and how many people will be involved? Impact How will it effect and influence the people reached and how will it change their actions and understanding? Legacy What will it leave behind and how is it sustainable? If youve got what it takes and your project meets all of our aims, then please complete this application form and return it electronically to: Catherine.wohlers@birmingham.gov.uk or post hard copy to Cath Wohlers, IMLT, PO Box 12971, B33 0TD. Please note the closing date for applications is 30th June 2019. Who can apply? Local residents, charities, community and voluntary groups, schools and statutory agencies can submit an application. How much can you apply for? Up to 5000 What you can spend the money on? Funds can be spent on any worthwhile community project that meets the following criteria: Contributes to raising the awareness of the dangers of using loan sharks Prevents crime and disorder and publicises the Stop Loan Sharks message Promotes the work of the Illegal Money Lending Team (IMLT) in communities Encourages reporting of loan sharks What you cant spend the money on? Funds cant be used to support an existing project that only adds Illegal Money Lending to its normal program. The Stop Loan Sharks message must be at the core of the project. As such funds cannot be spent on: Staff training, presentation slides, posters and other publicity materials which can all be provided free of charge by your local IMLT LIAISE Officer Repeating an existing project Staff salaries, day to day running costs of your organisation or vehicle costs. We can, however, pay for additional sessional staff costs or for current staff to deliver activities that are out of their normal remit Producing freebies, publicity merchandise or distribution costs Film production Plays we will only fund plays that have a guaranteed audience of 50 people. If significantly less people attend we will ask for some funding to be returned Food we can fund tea and coffee for projects but not food Any costs you incur whilst putting together your application. For great project ideas see the Illegal money Lending Team (IMLT) newsletter for previous successful bids or speak to your local LIAISE Officer. Remember, your project bid must cover the 4 main objectives outlined on the front page: Innovative ~ Community Engagement ~ Impact ~ Legacy Please note that we will require evidence of spend and outcomes. If you have received previous funding from us you are welcome to apply again, but if the evidence of spend and outcomes was not provided previously, you will be excluded from receiving funding again. About you or your group:How do you hear about this fund?AName:BAddress: CContact Telephone Number: DEmail address: EAre you applying on behalf of a group of people?YESNOFIs your group formally constituted?YESNOGAre you a: School?YESCharity?YESStatutory agency? YESOther (please state)HDoes your group/school/charity have its own bank account?YESNOIIf no, is there an organisation that can act as banker? E.g., church, school, residents association, mosque If yes please tell us whoNOJHave you received funding from us before? YESNOK How much are you applying for? Your Project: We want to know about your proposed project: Please continue on a separate sheet if more space is needed. 1Why is the project needed: What evidence can you show that the proposed activity is needed in your area? 2Describe your project and how it meets the criteria of the grant. Please be specific about what you will do, how you will do it and what you would spend the grant on. 3What is the change or difference your project is going to make? How will the Stop Loan Sharks message continue after your project has ended? 4How will you promote or publicise your project? 5How long will the project take? Please give approximate start & finish dates.6Who will be involved in the project? Please state names if other organisations are helping you deliver the project.7Where is your project going to happen? 8How will you ensure no one is excluded from the project? 9How will you measure the outcomes?10What are the risks involved in this project? What could go wrong and how will you mitigate for this?  Safeguarding:11If your project will be dealing with children, young people under 18 or vulnerable adults, please let us know that you have safeguarding policies in place:That are appropriate for your organisation and work That are reviewed at least once a year That you conduct relevant Criminal Record Checks with staff That you secure extra insurance cover (e.g. Public Liability Insurance) if appropriatePlease tick to say that your organisation meets these requirements: How much will your project cost?12Please provide a description and break down of total costs below. Please include descriptions of all items that you are applying for and also any other costs that are to be funded from grants received from other organisations, or that you are funding.ITEM OR ACTIVITY DESCRIPTIONCOSTe.g. paint for mural120TOTAL COST OF PROJECT: Your nameYour signatureYour job title (if you are applying on behalf of your employer)Named contact in your organisation/group (for any enquiries if youre not available, therefore must be someone other than you)Named contact email or telephone numberDate What happens now? The application period is open till 30th June 2019, so please ensure you have your applications submitted by that date. Invoices should be received by 1st October 2019 or the monies will be re-allocated. Your application will be checked to ensure that all the information provided is correct and that all the practical aspects of the project are covered to make sure that it can be delivered successfully. We may be in touch with you at this stage to ask for further information. Applicants will be informed two weeks after the closing date if they have been successful or not. All successful applicants must be able to invoice us, to claim the funding. The project needs to be delivered by the 31st of March 2020. All successful applicants, when notified, will be forwarded a project evaluation sheet which will need to be returned to the IMLT upon completion of the projects. Successful applicants will also be expected to book free Stop Loan Sharks training which will be delivered by a member of the IMLT for staff and/or volunteers (if they have not already had this). We would also like an article and text about your project for our newsletter - this goes out to thousands of contacts across the country so will give your project further publicity. If you require any further information, help or assistance with this form please contact: Catherine.wohlers@birmingham.gov.uk :>?BDEkr < = > ? 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